Human Spiritual Structure: Awakening the Yogic Chakras.
Notes in progress © 1998-2002 Alan McAllister  

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As a result of spiritual sadhana, or sometimes spontaneously, the kundalini rises through the chakras . As it pierces each one it is said to awaken, with attendant symptoms and consequences.

Mudras include a wide range of physical positioning of the hands, eyes, tongue etc. They have effects of the psychic level and are said to be aimed at the awakening of the kundalini , the control of prana on the energetic plane, and the generation of siddhis, or yogic powers. They are aimed at the awakening of the chakras, but also have physical health benefits. As with other pranic techniques, an experienced teacher is highly recommended. [TC]

The techniques of nose-gazing while concentrating on the chakras is said to enhance the effects of the meditation. The ida and pingala terminate at the nostrils, and the gaze perhaps helps to stimulate them, and thus the muladhara chakra and the kundalini, encouraging it to rise to the chakra on which the mind is focused internally. This practice was given by Goraknath for awakening the chakras. [TC]

Concentration on the yantra for a given chakra is another way to activate it. Usually a guru will select one chakra for attention, probably depending on ones karma, or accumulated samskaras. [TC]

Alternatively a more elaborate (but less boring) methodology is outlined below based on teachings of Swami Satyananda Saraswati in Tantra of Kundalini Yoga (as presented by Motoyama). In general this method involves absorbing prana with pranayama, stimulating a chakra physically and psychically with asanas and mudras, and finally activating it with mental concentration and channeled prana. [TC]

Leadbeater says that the astral chakras may be awakened without the etheric chakras being awakened. In this case the person is not consciously aware of the process. The process of awakening the chakras is strenuous and it is necessary to be physically fit. [TC]

Various other asanas stimulate the various chakras. In fact most of them stimulate one or more. While this stimulation is cited by Motoyama (Satayanada) as helping to promote awakening, P.R. Sakar discusses this stimulation mainly as a way to help balance the vrttis in the chakras.

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Page Created, November, 1998. AHM.
Last updated December 2, 1998. AHM.
© Alan McAllister

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