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Pictures are an energy that is in our
aura that is not a part of our basic
soul personality, and often wasn't even created by us. This
can be some left over emotional fluff or gunk, or a real
picture or pattern about how the world is or how we are. It
may even be a whole movie from a past life. Pictures are a
different way of looking at samskaras.
The different types of pictures correspond to the different
types of samskaras, in particular
there is distinction between imposed samskaras, pictures and
energy which we receive from other people, society etc. and
our inborn and created samskaras, which we are responsible
for ourselves.
When we have old energies, or `pictures', stored in our energy
bodies, these can be activated, or `lit up' in various ways. These
include coming into contact with another who
has similar pictures, or perhaps someone who has an almost opposite
energy, or else we find ourselves in a situation that reflects an
old picture. Pictures can also be called up consciously by mentally
creating an image of a situation or person that triggers the picture.
This can be done for specific pictures whose existence is already
known, or suspected, or in a general fashion, during a clearing
session focused on a particular chakra, or a situation or person
that seems to bring up effort, fear, anger etc.
Some of the toughest pictures, which wreak the most havoc
are out of date, emotionally
charged, unconsciously formed ones. This is compounded
by the associative nature of the
amygdala's processing, so the reaction may not only be
out of date, but in fact misplaced entirely. Another factor
is that this pathway is active early in life when more
cognitive memories are not yet being laid down. When these
early pictures are triggered they may come with confused
emotions, but often no rational cognitive understanding.
Where quick is best for pre-mammals, for humans imprecision
can have poor results, as the arena is often quite different.
If we are able to have conscious awareness of this picture
then we can step back from the emotions etc. that it brings
with it, find a more neutral
space, and begin the process of releasing it. This can be
done by sending it down a grounding cord, or by putting it in
a rose, or energy bubble and blowing it up (sending it back
to the supreme, post haste).
The basic technique is to use a
grounding cord or rose to
remove the picture from one's space. In this process one may
either see the specific picture clairvoyently, or let them
go without bringing them into full awareness. This would
apply especially if there are many similar pictures that
have collected over time.
The ability to properly separate and let it go is related
to forgiveness, coming out of
judgement, or resistance, etc. This is key to being able to
release something.
When doing a reading or a healing we may also blow other
peoples pictures for them. This should only be done with
permission, mainly because it will come back if they are not
ready to let it go, and secondly they may wind up whacking
you for it. However, this is only possible for pictures that
are acquired from outside, energy that is not inherently part
of that person's being, i.e.
imposed samskaras. It is not possible to remove core
pictures from another's space (meaning inborn samskaras?).
In this technique one sees one's body as being made of crystal
or glass, transparent to any incoming energy, which can flow through,
or directly down a grounding cord. This is an excellent means of
working with resistance to people or emotions that make us uncomfortable.
This is similar to working with pictures. Contracts, however,
are agreements, often on the subconscious or unconscious level with
other beings, or groups. These can be of all sorts, from agreements
to bring in and nurture children, to codependent agreements that
help lock both parties into behaviors that are not for their
highest good. This can also involve group or societal contracts
to believe or act in a certain way.
Cords can link ones chakras to those of another. They may be
there for various reasons, some positive or necessary, but most
of the time they are not healthy.
This is a visual equivalent of working with
affirmations. In this technique a bubble with a desired picture is
created. When it is grounded energies that are not yours can be
released. This allows you to see how much of the picture was actually
yours, as opposed to someone else's. You may also become aware of
pictures that are tending to block the mockup. These can then be
blown up and released. When the picture has been cleared of elements
that are not yours, and any resistance pictures have been blown, the
grounding cord is cut and the bubble released to the universe to
Blowing Pictures
Body of Glass
Breaking Contracts
Removing Cords
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