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The martial art called Tai Chi Chuan, is perhaps the most
internal (spiritual) of the martial arts. It focuses directly
on the flow of chi and its use in interacting with other persons.
The cultivation of this art involves training to locate and release
blockages in the body and mind due to both physical and mental
tension. As these blockages are released, the
chi flows more freely and strongly in the body, and the mind
is calmer and more centered. Grounding naturally increases and
the person is harder to move or attack.
There is a set of warm up exercises referred to as "monkey
dancing" which loosen the joints and start the key flowing in
the body. They are excellent first thing when rising from sleep.
Chi Gong are breathing and other exercises that promote the
circulation of chi in the body.
Reiki is energy that comes from the universe, a source of
life energy or prana, which may be
channeled to heal the physical body.
While it may also affect other levels of the being, it is seen
as working mainly on the physical
The Rieki practitioner does not heal, but rather channels
the energy which itself does the healing. This energy is always
there waiting to be received by any person who has been attuned
to it. This attunement can be done for anyone by a trained Reiki
Master. Beyond this attunement there is no real teaching, only
practice. However, certain positions for the hands and other
experience are passed on from teacher to student.[RHT] The
standard hand positions cover most of the body and are loosely
correlated with the chakras. They
may be used for either self healing or healing of another. [RF]
As the energy flows through the practitioners hands they may
feel warm, or tingling. These sensations vary from practitioner
to practitioner, but may allow them to sense the strength of the
flow. The flow is controlled by the patients body, at a level above
the conscious mind. The body
directs the energy to areas which are ready to receive healing,
and the energy flows until the healing is done, or the capacity
of the body at that time is reached. The practitioner simple feels
the energy flow and is guided by their intuition and perception
of the energy as to where to place the hands (if not following the
basic routine) and how long to keep them in any given place. The
Reiki energy can flow through all physical materials, so clothes
or casts are not a hindrance. It can also be directed to distant
patients. [RHT]
The main condition for Reiki to work, is the belief of the
practitioner. If the practitioner does not believe the energy
will not flow. The attitude of the patient is not important.
Also the practitioner must practice, otherwise the flow may dry
up and the channel atrophy.[RHT] On the other hand the mood of
the practitioner is important for how they experience a healing
session, it does not affect the recipient (at least via the
reiki flow).[RF]
Conditions that have developed over time, usually require time
to heal as well, involving repeated treatments over time. In many
cases the body will need to release physical toxins and so there
may be physical symptoms such as headaches,
diarrhea, or nausea. acute cases, from accidents or sudden
illness are said to recover faster, often with a single treatment.
Terminal cases cannot in general be cured, as they are too advanced
and the time required to long to reverse the damage. Reiki may still
benefit these people by relieving suffering and easing the transition.
Likewise organs cannot be regenerated, nor can birth defects be
repaired. [RHT]
Treating the root cause is advocated, once the presenting
symptoms have been relieved. In order to do this a complete treatment
is usually recommended. At times the root lies in habits of diet or
exercise which must be changed in order to enable a prominent cure.
Treating the abdomen (The Foundation Treatment) is favored as much
of the imbalance in the body comes from the imbalance of the main
internal organs. The central position of the abdomen is also found
in methods of working with the flow of chi in
the meridians, e.g. shiatsu, or acupuncture. Also considered major areas are the
back and the head. These three contain all the organs, glands, and
major systems. The limbs and extremities may also be treated when
specifically involved. Although the full treatment is preferable
even a little Reiki is better than none. [RHT]
Reiki is a means of enhancing and accelerating the natural healing
processes of the body, helping to restore balance and strength. E.g.
once a bone is set, Reiki can speed its knitting. It will also help
the mental and spiritual layers of the mind to grow and become
balanced and whole.[RHT] In general it will promote spiritual growth,
but like anything it can be turned into an ego trip, intention is the
key. [RF]
In performing long distance healing with reiki (or psychic methods) it is also good to
examine one's intention. Is one avoiding a more direct way to
address an issue? It is also important not to "heal" people
that have not asked for you to heal them. Receiving unrequested
energy may not be pleasant or welcome. [RF]
The symbols trace their roots back to India, from whence they
moved to Tibet, China, and Japan. They are found in both the Shinto
and Buddhist traditions in Japan. The current versions of the first
two symbols are slight modifications of the Sanskrit originals. The
pronunciation is Japanese. The third symbol is based on kanji, as
is the Master symbol. The latter is used also by Japanese Buddhists
in meditation. [RF]
One of the great advantages of Reiki philosophy, is that there
is no diagnosis (although information may come to the healer during
the process) necessary, and no action necessary. This keeps the
aham (ego) from identifying with
the process, making surrender much easier. This way of thinking is
close to the heart of Brahmacarya.
In fact it is said that it cannot be abused. If a practitioner were
to use it for anything other than the good of the patient, the power
will fade and the energy cease to flow. [AHM]
In practical terms this is an important point for healers, as when
there is a sense of doing, it is
easy to lose neutrality or
non-attachment. The result can be to take on the problems of the
patient, healing them by making oneself ill, or to pour their own energy
into the patient. Since one is only a channel, there is no drain of
one's own energy, nor acquisition from the patient. In fact the Reiki
will "fill up" the practitioner first, before pouring into the patient.
Therefore one actually receives energy when using it for others. It can
also be directly applied to the practitioner herself. [AHM]
Reiki is not channeling of entities, beings, etc. It is a
channeling of life force through the
crown chakra, through the heart
chakra, down the arms and out through the hands. [RF]
The use of fine metal needles inserted in the body at specific
points along the meridians (energy
channels) to stimulate or unblock the flow of
chi. At a subtler level the needles are a tool for guiding the
chi of the practitioner. The goal of treatment is to balance the flows
in the various meridians so that they and the body in general are
in balance. This art has a history of 3,000 years in China and an
extensive body of theoretical explanation.
One principle used in acupuncture and shiatsu is to treat points along
a meridian through an imbalanced region that are located at some
distance away in the body. This indirect treatment is particularly
necessary in acute cases, where the main problem area is too weak
to work on directly. In particular one end of a meridian is closely
associated with the opposite extremity, e.g. stimulating the point
at the crown (GV meridian) to treat hemorrhoids. This principle may also
be applied in the yogic techniques for
awakening the chakras . [TC]
Shiatsu is based on the same theory as
acupuncture, but the practitioners chi is
applied more directly through physical pressure of the fingers, elbows
and knees. This contact is used to sense the chi of the patient as well
as to guide that of the practitioner.
Tai Chi and Chi Gong
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