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Basic structure of the Universe, consciousness and mind.
An expanded commentary and explanation of Ananda Sutrum. This includes a wealth of detailed information on the structure of the mind and its operations.
A more detailed exposition of the structure of existence.
A basic summary of Yogic cosmology based on Tibetan texts. This presents much the same material as Sakar.
Translation of and commentary on the Shat-chakra-nirupana (Descriptions of the Six Centers) and the Paduka-panchaka (The Fivefold Footstool), describing the chakras and the kundalini. A classic with wide influence. The Shat-chakra-nirupana was compiled by Puranada in 1577, and is part six of the longer work Shri-tattva-cintamini.
Descriptions of the chakras, based on yogic and psychic sources, and the author's personal experience with their awakening. Comparison of the theory of chakras and nadis with that of the meridians of Chinese medicine. Sources summarized include: The Yoga Cudamani, Shri Jabala Darshana, Yoga-shikka, Shandilya Upanishads, The Gorakshashatakam, The Siddhasiddhantapaddhati, the Shat-chakra-nirupana, and the descriptions of Rev. Leadbeater and Swami Satyananda Saraswati. Some experimental results based on measurements of the meridianal fields, and those in front of the chakras.
A discussion of the yogic levels of mind with a particular focus on the practices that can be used to balance them. A major discussion of the parallels and differences between eastern and western psychology. Examples of the application of yogic practices to help mentally disturbed people.
A discussion of the biology of consciousness and psychology. In particular the role of the endocrine glands as the physical aspect of the chakras. Based on P.R. Sakar's teachings.
The author's experiences and understanding of the changes produced by an awakened kundalini. The evolutionary nature of this process.
Based on the experiences of Mother (Sri Aurabindo's companion) of a physical path to enlightenment, in which the journey is down into the body rather than up to the
Three sections on breathing. i) the mechanics and physiology of the diaphram, ribs, and lungs. ii) the aerodynamics, and physiology of the nose, sinuses, and mucus membranes. iii) Discussion of prana and breath control.
Translation and commentary on the Sutra on the Four Establishments of Mindfulness, the Buddha's teaching on meditation and mindfulness.
A wonderful exposition of the challenges and temptations posed in each of the seven lokas, as one progresses on the journey towards God. From the point of view of 16th century Spanish Christian mysticism.
A presentation of the relationship of spirit to the health of the body and mind, with background in the chakras, the Christian Sacraments, and the Sefirot of the Kabbalah. The main text presents the spiritual journey as mapped by the chakras and the spiritual, psychological and physical challenges encountered with each stage. Numerous case histories and other personal stories serve as illustrations.
A short, but very clear, exposition on the theory and use of affirmations in healing work.
A collection of 4 books, in which Shinn lays out the principles and practice of positive thinking, affirmations, and surrender to the Lord, from a gently Christian viewpoint. Rich in inspiration.
A personal journey in search of feminine manifestations of the divine. Focusing on the Buddha Tara and the Black Madonna. The later drawing on many streams from the pre-Christian world; e.g. Astar, Isis, Artemis, Demeter. Exploration of the concept of darkness as a source of enlightenment. A very inspiring and interesting book.
A presentation of the Zogqen path of Tibetan Buddhism, placing it in context of other schools. This is a clear well organized work outlining a very high level set of practices which aim towards an unattached non-dualistic awareness of oneself and the world.
A discussion of a possible transition from a time when the two hemispheres of the brain worked independently, with the right brain talking to the left brain, as the Gods talking to men. A time of prophets and oracles. When the two hemispheres became integrated, this direct inspiration ceased and those who still practiced it were persecuted. Also draws on modern work with schizophrenics.
A discussion of the generation of consciousness in the interaction of perception, memory, and self-image. Different types of memory, and the states that result from their disruption. The view point tends to stress the physical, the primacy of the brain and physical changes in it.
Seven case histories illustrating the workings of the brain and its relation to consciousness. Covers color blindness, regaining sight, loss of long term memory, Tourette's, fixated memory, and gifted autistics.
Writings based on the author's experiences as an autistic, and her research about autism and its treatments. Visual thought processes, differentiated from verbal. The possible close relation between autism (and other imbalances) and genius and creativity.
A really good discussion of `hypnosis', both as a state in which we live much of our lives, and as techniques for resolving pictures, patterns, old energy etc.
A discussion of the emotional aspects of interpersonal relationships and their role in business and personal growth. Making the case for emotional training both as children and adults. Based on a survey of the field.
A thorough look at the biochemistry of emotions, thought, etc. The physical underpinnings of the psychic and psychological worlds.
A discussion of physical fitness and disease based on the distinction between `cortical' (intellectually driven) and `limbic' (natural pace) exercise. The different types of exercise make use of different muscle fibers, and different metabolic processes (e.g. sugar and fat). Ties into stress, chronic disease, obesity, etc.
A presentation of the author's researches into the electromagnetic nature of the human body. This is a comprehensive work, suggesting great potential for the use of currents and magnetic fields for healing. Also the probable dangers of some commercial uses, in particular microwaves.
A thorough discussion of the brain as an organ designed to maintain and heal the body. A lot of information on the connections between mind/emotions and physical health.
A discussion of energy healing based on the author's research in the subtle electromagnetic vibrations in the human body and energy fields.
A nice brief biography of the lady who brought Reiki to Hawaii and the U.S. Also a good primer on the general philosphy and principles. Many interesting stories.
A brief book on reiki, including research into its origins, a general presentation of reiki itself, and a background rooted in Osho Rajneesh's teachings.
A basic primer on psychic techniques for clearing and healing one's energy fields. Rooted in the BPI.
Energy work with the chakras, auras etc.
An early book on the implications for medical thinking of the modern physics of relativity and quantum mechanics.
A work discussing the intersection of musical scales, mathematical theory, and philosophical cosmology in ancient times. In particular in the Rg Veda and in classical Greece, but touching also on the Sumerian, Babylonian, Egyptian, and Hebrew traditions.
A compilation of much of the new age world view, including earth changes, aliens, and sacred geometry.
A second cut at much of the above, but focused more on the right and left brain processes leading towards a new level of being. A major focus on rebirthing, both history and technique.
Two volumes covering sacred geometry, energy bodies, the history of the world (especially Atlantis and Egypt), connections with ETs etc.
A set of three lectures. Some of this is good, some a bit heavy on Christian mythology. Lots of beings, angels, etc.
Books in this list have been read unless otherwise noted.
* Books read and reviewed with notes incorporated in the Spiritual Structure pages.
+ Books partially read or partially reviewed.
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