Human Spiritual Structure: Chi
Notes in progress © 1998-2002 Alan McAllister  

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Chi is the Chinese term for that vital energy which flows through the body and is the bridge between mind and body, affecting both, and affected by both, but seemingly not entirely belonging to either. In Japanese this is Ki. In yoga it is prana. Like prana it has both physical and psychic aspects. While it is integral to physical health and well-being, it also affects and is affected by the mind. Ones own mental states affect ones chi, but it may also be directed and perceived mentally by a skilled practitioner.

The Chinese theoretical treatment of chi is primarily focused on the health of the physical body. Mental aspects are also included, but are seen as secondary results of imbalances of chi in the body, rather than as primary causes. This contrasts with the Yogic study of prana and the nadis , which is focused on mental and spiritual growth, and tends to see physical problems as secondary. [TC]

The Meridians

These are the pathways along with the chi circulates in the body. The major meridians number 12, there being 6 yang and 6 yin meridians. There are also 8 extraordinary meridians, and probably countless minor branches. Most are associated with, but not the same as, physical organs or systems. They are probably more usefully though of as representing physical functions. These are apparently detectable with electric instruments, but do not appear to correspond to the nervous system. They may represent physical (as opposed to psychic, or astral) nadis . Like the nadis they radiate from and area near the navel (the "chukan" point, CV12), the region just above the navel. Motoyama claims the research shows them to be associated with fluid filled connective tissues.

The main meridians are:

Extraordinary Meridians:

Sei and Gen points. There are a series of "sei" points which form the ends of the meridians on the toes and fingers. Ki is said the enter and exit the meridians at these points, and their energy levels reflect those of the meridians as a whole. There are also "gen" (source) points on the meridians in the wrists and ankles (below the joints). Exercises to flex the fingers and toes affect the sei points and ones that flex the ankle and wrist joints affect the gen points. [TC]

Motoyama's Experiments

Motoyama used two machines to analyze chi(ki) in the meridians. The AMI is used to measure the skin current at the Sei points on the fingers and toes. The Chakra Instrument measures very small emissions for the body of energy (electric, magnetic, optical) generated in the chakras. The CI is used in a special room, light-proof and doubly grounded with lead in the walls and aluminum on the inside. A 10cm copper disk and a photosensor are positioned 12-20 cm in front of a chakra. A magnetometer is placed on the floor in front of, or to the side, of the subject. Signals are analyzed and recorded in a separate room, along with standard body measurements. His experiments were undertaken assuming correlations between the chakras and the nerves and functions of the body. [TC]

Roughly one hundred people (members of his society) were classified as (A) having dormant chakras, (B) chakras starting to activate, and those (C) with chakras in advanced stages of activation. [TC]

A study of disease susceptibility was carried out, indicating that the more active the chakras the higher the susceptibility. Tests were then made of individual organs (heart, stomach, kidneys and the urogenital organs) associated with the anahata, manipura, and svadhisthana chakras. This was done by monitoring the accupuncture points associated with these organs. The Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) signals were monitored as a control, indicating the state of the whole sympathetic nervous system. Initial GSR (sympathetic system activity) was highest in the A group, then C, then B. After stimulating specific organs A and B groups showed a smaller current (except for the kidneys, were A was highest). This is said to show that group A's autonomic nervous reaction to stimulus was mostly parasympathetic. Coupled with the higher initial sympathetic activity this suggests that group A had a larger range of dynamic balance between the opposing functions of the two systems than did group C.[TC]

Comparing a yogi's heart signals to those of untrained people shows little basal blood flow variation in the untrained subjects, but regular pulsation of both blood flow and heart rate in the yogis. This may reflect a rhythmic action of the autonomic nerves in the yogi. [See also HeartMath results]. This again suggests a wider dynamic range in the balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system in trained yogis. This supports that chakras exist, and that when awakened, and controlled, control is also gained over autonomic nervous systems controlling the related organs. [TC]

Study, with the AMI and Chakra Instrument, of persons who evidenced psychic abilities and chakra activity indicated that the abilities did not correlate directly with the chakras supposed to govern them, but that they did correlate with patterns of meridianal abnormality. He found evidence to support a division of psi abilities into those of reception (associated with the lower chakras) and those of generation (associated with the upper chakras). He cites the summary of powers awakened with the lower three chakras as being ones that maintain things, while with the anahata and the power of love, creation and transmission becomes possible. Thus ESP powers (reception of information) are associated with the lower chakras, while those with an open anahata show psychokinesis and psychic healing. This former group when tested with the AMI show various abnormalities in the stomach, spleen, triple heater, kidney, and bladder meridians, particularly energy deficiency in the spleen meridian. Those with PK abilities show excess energy and instabilities in the heart, heart constrictor, and lung meridians. These folks also show arrhythmia. [TC]

Tests with the CI indicate that a chakra used for daily concentration will emit more energy when it is focused on, while another (in the same subject) will not. Similarly in some subjects the sensation of energy being emitted from a chakra corresponded to changes in the field measured in front of the chakra. The chakra measured was one showed by the AMI to have abnormal or unstable associated meridians, suggesting enhanced activity in the chakra. [TC]

Accupuncture and Shiatsu

These are techniques for balancing the flow of chi in the different meridians, having beneficial effects on the mind and body of the patient. For more on these techniques see the section on energy clearing work.

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Page Created, March, 1998.
Last updated December 13, 1998.
© Alan McAllister

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