Human Spiritual Structure: Mantra
Notes in progress © 1998-2002 Alan McAllister  

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Mantra means that which liberates the mind: man + trae, mind + to liberate. It is a collection of sound waves which have a strong resonance in the mind. A siddha mantra, which has been invested with spiritual power mantra caetanya by a mahakaola guru is singularly effective. In this process the whole of the Cosmic citta has been infused with the vibration of the mantra.

The Qualities of Mantra

To be most effective a mantra should have the following qualities.

Just as any thought which is continually returned to the unconscious mind gains strength, the constant repetition of the mantra gradually cleanses and comes to permeate the unconscious [Y&P].

The Use of Mantra

The use of a powerful siddha mantra is essential for the awakening of the kundalini, yogic initiation.

Sarkar says that it is due to the purification of the mind by the practices of Yama and Niyama that the use of the mantra becomes truly effective,as they reduce the cruder vibrations that disturb the mind (see below). This is called the torch light to guide the mind. This torch power is called Diipanii shakti, and is one of the two factors involved in the process of initiation. One must also have the appropriate psychic association (ideation) while repeating the mantra.

The use of a mantra also aids in the practice of the many of the yamas and niyamas which involve the discriminating function of the buddhi (aham). This allows the gradual clearing of the memories (and samskaras?) from the unconscious mind (e.g. manomaya and atimanas kosas). The nature of mind is to think, and of the ego to become attached to thoughts and emotions. The mantra allows the mind to become attached to a higher vibration that will lead it through and beyond the level of thought and emotion, by allowing a non-judgmental, detached, observation of them as they come and go. Eventually the cruder thoughts will cease to arise, leaving the mantra with its high vibration and ideation filling the mind. This one thought may then be followed back to its source. This allows the lower levels of mind to be emerged into the higher, and the higher into the atman.

In psychological terms the mantra gains weight in the unconscious mind until it replaces all the cruder thoughts.

In order for a mantra to be effective for an individual sadhaka its vibration must fit with their samskaras. Only when it is properly matched will the mantra serve as a vehicle for allowing the unit mind to flow into the Cosmic Mind. When the vibrations of the unit mind are parallel to those of the manifest universe then the power (mantra caetanya) placed there when the mantra was originally empowered becomes available to the sadhaka. The main factor in achieving this parallelism lies in the development of the feeling of love and affinity for the world. This is done through service work (tapah). Only when one can experience the vibration and meaning of the mantra (this is That, all is He, etc.) not only in ones own mind, but also in the whole universe, can one realize the full effectiveness of the mantra.

The Radio Metaphor

When a mahakaola empowers a mantra, the vibration of the mantra is left ringing throughout the Cosmic Citta (see above). This is like a broadcast radio wave which fills the space around the transmitter. The goal of sadhana is to bring into parallel the frequency of the unit mind and of the Cosmic Mind. This is done by tuning the radio to the broadcast frequency (the siddha mantra).

This tuning is done by holding the mantra in the unit mind until the mind becomes the mantra. However, if the equipment is in poor repare (i.e. the body and mind are dirty, unhealthy, and cluttered or disorganized) it will be hard to tune it properly. This is the reason that yoga practice starts with the body and the emotions, as the foundation for the subtler practices of meditation. Once the mind is able to properly tune in the vibration of the mantra, which both a sound vibration and an ideational vibration, it is able to utilize the power which was placed into the mantra, expanding into a unity with the whole manifest universe.

The use of various personal mantras is also easy to understand in this sense. The natural vibrations of the unit minds are a product of the samskaras that they hold. So some minds (radios) can more easily tune to certain vibrations than others. Therefore there are various empowered mantras which can be given to sadhakas, depending on their individual character.

This whole process is inherently nonlinear, with constant feedback. As the body and mind become clearer and are better able to tune to and hold the vibration of the mantra, more of the mantra caetanya (see also above) becomes available to the sadhaka. This speeds up the tuning processes, which allows more energy to flow etc.


A yantra is a geometric symbol of certain aspects of consciousness. "Yan" means to conceive, "tra" to liberate. Focusing on the yantra, it becomes activated and ones consciousness gradually takes its form. When complete unification occurs the mind is liberated. Concentration on the yantras of each chakra allows one to experience to principle of the chakra itself. [TC]

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Page Created, February, 1998. AHM.
Last updated December 1, 1998. AHM.
© Alan McAllister

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