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In psychic work grounding is done by visualizing a cord that
connects the first chakra with
the center of the Earth. There are various benefits of being well
grounded, including the ability to be fully present and seated
in ones body, and to be able to release
unwanted energies down the cord. Grounding cords can also be
used for places or objects, both physical and psychic.
This has a similar effect to the slightly more physical
grounding that is essential in the martial arts, e.g. tai chi
or aikido. In that case one is focusing more on the physical
sensations of relaxing and centering, along with the ideation
of sending roots down into the Earth.
In either the result is calming and helps one to be present,
attentive and alert. There is a connection here with breathing techniques used in yoga which
also help to calm and ground the mind.
When checking ones own energy channels or reading it is
recommended to work from a neutral place in the center of the head,
essentially sixth chakra. This is
said to allow one to be in neutrality the state
of non-judgement, in which you can perceive, but
not feel or be in the pictures etc. that you are perceiving. This
is essential for maintaining separation during readings and avoiding
being overwhelmed by pictures and energies in oneself or the readie.
This state is also a `trance' state, in which one has accessed
the unconscious, causal, intuitive mind at the atimanas kosa. The requirement to do
this, is to be able to still the cruder levels of mind (conscious
and subconscious, or kamamaya and
manomaya kosas). In terms of the
gunas this state has moved beyond the ego,
or perhaps side-stepped it a bit, working from the I am of mahat.
This layer of mind is connected to the cosmic mahat and is the seat
of true clairvoyance etc.
Neutrality is similar to Buddhist non-attachment a state of
non-judgement in which one can be seated above
the process involving oneself and others, watching the dramas from a
box seat. When we are one the stage being the part, acting, feeling,
and talking the role, we are not neutral. In neutrality one is a
witness to all that one is doing, but not in the thick of it. This
is related to a stance that is dominated by
mahtattva, or being in the atimanas
kosa or higher, the Vedantic buddhi,
the intuition.
It is related to "separation" which is essentially neutrality
in relationship to others. This is important in
psychic reading so that the reader is in the
center of their head reading, not feeling, or being the readies
pictures. Neutrality is the ability
to separate from ones own pictures, as they are lit up by matching
pictures in others.
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