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P. R. Sakar has said that samskaras are stored as distortions in the atminanas kosa. Any process which can release or counter this distortion will result in the removal of the samskara, allowing the mind to return to a purer state. This is often referred to as ripening, or burning the samskara.
It is important to note that all samskaras have to ripen and express, both good and bad, and that they cannot cancel each other out. Good and bad are, after all, relative concepts and of no significance to the Supreme.
In order to express the samskaras one has need of a body. In this process, the physical indriyas (organs) and the nerve cells in the body and brain combine with the citta and ahama to experience the pleasure or pain that are the reaction to past action. After death the physical elements are gone and the aham and citta are inactive, so neither pleasure or pain can be experienced.
Samskaras can only be reaped when they have `ripened', a process which occurs when the mind is disassociated with the body. There are three circumstances in which this can occur:
Is attachment, simply a term for the holding of the samskara in the mind? Achieving a state of neutrality, forgiveness, or non-attachment is said by many to be key to spiritual growth and the resolution of patterns, problems, etc. Are processes which lead ones that also release the samskaras?
In psychic work the terminology is of pictures and of removing or destroying pictures. Again neutrality is a key in making this process effective.
Neutrality. True neutrality is the ability to have both sides of an issue. To be OK with being either rich or poor. It is not a process of letting go by trusting that the universe will make us rich. It is a process of letting go and trusting that the universe will produce what is best for us, and being OK even if this means being poor. This is related to non-attachment.
Assumption by Guru. It is possible for great gurus to assume the samskaras of their disciples. Baba would never take away all the reaction, always leaving at least a little to be undergone personally. It is said, however, that in this case it is better to receive than to give, i.e. a true devotee will not ask that his or her guru take their samskaras.
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