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Life experiences are experienced and stored at different levels, from the physical body upto the atimanas kosa. How do these relate to each other? The original experience may be at any of these levels, but propagates to the others (or does all experience inherently occur on all levels at once?) Some of these things are purely in the body and other low levels of mind which do not survive death. What is the relationship between the longer term and the single life experience, conditioning, samskara?
Sort out the effects of storing stuff on one level, on the other levels. In particular while it seems clear that distortions on higher levels will eventually manifest on all lower levels, how much "upward" propagation is there? Do the linkages vary in strength and directness between the levels, and how much do these values depend on the specific events/causes?
It seems that the attitude of the spirit, in particular the nature of its identification with the various manifested levels plays a role. Thus the more closely the embodied spirit identifies with its body, the more impact physical trauma has on its higher levels.
This is linked to the question of learning. Much of what we experience, and the lessons we `learn' apparently have to do with releasing stored energies, pictures, samskaras. However we have also come in to the body to learn as a spirit. Are these two processes or only one?
While the physical reactions to experiences can be held in all parts of the body, with accompanying emotions, or emotional triggers the affect of samskaras through the vrttis is confined to the chakras. In the psychic view, pictures can be held in different levels of the aura, but most commonly in the cakras. How does all this fit together?
In yogic terms the samskaras are stored in the causal mind . Their exact expressionis not always the same as the action that led to their formation, due to changes in time place and person. It is said that they can accrue interest over time, therefore it is best to acknowledge mistakes and take punishment as soon as possible (as in Catholic confession).
These actions create pratyamulaka (acquired) samskaras, those due to independent action in this life time.
These actions also create pratyamulaka (acquired) samskaras, those due to independent action in this life time.
Pleasure and pain have to do with the resonance or dissonance of external vibrations with those in ones mind due to ones samskaras. The external objects etc. just are, their value depends on the filters we use to perceive them.
The problem with desires for things in the expressed world is that as soon as one has been fulfilled another comes along, so we are never happy for long. Furthermore, often the fulfillment of our desires is less pleasurable than anticipated, which tends to lead to addictions and obsessions, as we try to intensify an experience in the vain hope of satisfying an unlimited thirst with limited experience. Finally we also tend to generate new samskaras in the process of exhausting the old.
At the physical level, a repeated stimulus will eventually dull. The threshold for the nerves to react goes higher and higher, until they will not react at all.
These samskaras are called inborn (sahajata) when they have been formed in a past life and come with us in the body at birth. The experience of the reaction is not a matter of choice, one goes through these experiences mechanically.
This reaction takes place in the citta (see above) while the aham which experiences the reaction, has sensations of pleasure and pain due to the resonance or dissonance of the reactional vibrations with those already in the mind. The intensity of the reaction is determined by the strength of the original action.
Pictures are the images, patterns,
and energies that we carry in our space which tend to control our
actions and reactions. They are the psychic equivalent of samskaras. As with samskaras they may be
acquired or imposed from/by others, society etc. They may be created
by ourselves (this is more often called karma) and they may be "core"
pictures, essentially inborn samskaras.
See creation of memories. Note
that there are both conscious and unconscious pathways, with more
or less emotional content.
Creation of Pictures
Creation of Memories
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