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The purpose of life is the evolution of the unit consciousness
(or soul) back to the Godhead, which is called pratisaincara. This involves the
evolution of the body, the mind,
and the spirit through many lifetimes.
After death if there are still accumulated samskaras stored in the causal
mind it is eventually matched with a newly forming body
in a womb. This body will have the capacity to manifest
the samskaras that are ripening in the mind, i.e. a wave
that resonates with that of the mind. Once the association
is formed, the infant develops and the soul is reborn in
the new body.
In terms of the evolution
of the unit mind one purpose of rebirth is to give us a
chance to release many habits
and memories from our current lifetime,
to allow new samskaras to ripen and
to some extent start the process over.
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