Human Spiritual Structure: The Circle of Creation
Notes in progress © 1998-2002 Alan McAllister  

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Purusa and Prakrti: Creation.

The starting point is Brahma, one, indivisible, without attributes, Nirguna Brahma. Here there is infinite peace. The three gunas of Prakrti, the binding aspect of Brahma, are balanced. They flow linearly creating triagonal or other poligonal patterns, without clash, producing no waves or vibrations. In this way Prakrti is sheltered in Purusa, there is as yet no creation, no object or subject, and Prakrti is as yet unmanifest.

As the waves of the gunas come together they tend to form triangles, and gradually all the other polygons transform into triangles (the most stable of structures). The network of these triangles form the matrix, or womb, from which creation will flow. Although they are infinite they are all centered on Purusa. This is the first stage in the crystallization process, in which Prakrti is encircling Purusa with her forces, but although Purusa is no longer unaffected by the gunas, he still controls them. The gunas now have separate identities and the triangles are vortices in which they transform into one another, satya to rajas to tamas, and back again, still in perfect balance, without issue or result.

The actual expression of creation is called Saguna Brahma, or Brahma qualified by the gunas. These forces of Prakrti struggle always for dominance, until at some point there is an imbalance in the equilibrium of the triangular matrix and a resultant force erupts from one of the vertices. This point is called the `seed of desire' and is the origin of the manifest universe in which Purusa is bound by Prakrti, who now has the scope for expression. This is the process by which the manifest creation comes to be imagined in the mind of God.

Saguna Brahma forms within Nirguna Brahma as in certain parts of Nirguna Brahma Prakrti (via the gunas) begins to bind Purusa. This is analogous to the condensation of galaxies or solar systems from large quasi-homogeneous dust clouds, or to the growth of crystals from seeds in a solution. Prakrti only extends to the qualified portions of Brahma and operates only with the permission of Purusa.

The first expression is dominated by satva guna as the sentient force is the first to bind Purusa. It is the first Cosmic thought and flows in a straight line, indicating a direction, as there is no other force to disturb it. This is also the nature of the sentient force. The sound of this initial linear vibration is AUM, the Omkara, which can be `heard' but not spoken. The sounds A, U, M, are the roots of creation, maintenance, and destruction in the manifest universe. It is related to the Judeo-Christian Amen. This first vibration is what St. John refers to: `In the beginning there was the word...'.

The tangential point, the only point of contact between Saguna and Nirguna Brahma is called Taraka Brahma, the Liberating Brahma. This is the heart of the true Guru.

Even though the expressed universe is fundamentally one, it has the dual aspect of Consciousness and Energy, Purusa and Prakrti, Shiva and Shakti, male and female, yin and yang, the manifested and unmanifested. Witness-ship is with Purusa, while thought and action are with Prakrti.

Purusa is also called Atman, and as such is comprised of all the individual unit atmans.

Purusa forms the nucleus of the universe, around which the binding and unbinding actions of Prakrti are like centripetal and centrifugal forces. This combination of saincara and pratisaincara form Brahmachakra, the circle of creation. These processes are always going on, some aspects of Purusa being further bound and others being unbound all at the same time. The process of saincara occurs when desire is born and grows. In pratisaincara detachment is growing.

The Binding of Purusa by the Gunas: Saincara

Prakrti acts through three forces, the gunas, which serve to bind Saguna Brahma and to produce the manifest universe. They are Satvas, Rajas, and Tamas, in order of density, or operation. This process is rooted in the linear force emerging from the point of the triangle, the controlling point of the manifest universe, called shambhuliunga. In the unit entity also there is a controlling point which is the pineal gland.

As the Gunas progressively bind Purusa several stages are produced. First a sense of existence arises, Mahattattva the result of the binding by satvaguna. Then comes a sense of doer-ship or authorship, Ahamtattva the result of the binding by rajaguna. Finally comes the crudest objective aspect of the subjective universe, citta (mind-stuff) which is created by tamaguna.

During this struggle and clash between the gunas, the original straight line flow from the triangle of forces becomes curved, the vibration now has a wavelength. As the cruder and cruder forces dominate the vibration becomes faster and the wavelength shorter, the curvature increases. As each wave causes the next cruder wave, it will be similar, though not identical to its cause. This is called the "similarity of curvatures". Entities or objects that are near each other in creation will likewise appear similar, while those that are far removed may appear quite different. Thus while all are in fact related, the myriad forms of the physcial universe are unfolded.

The characteristics of this process are expansion of Saguna Brahma away from the Cosmic nucleus and the increasingly curved nature of the vibrations, i.e. the denser, cruder, forms are of a higher frequency. [Is there a problem here in that in physics higher energy is higher frequency? In the big bang there is a motion from higher energies to lower, from smaller particles to larger (atoms to planets). This would suggest a process from high frequency to low, as is maintained by the newage folks? See also.]

In the fully bound state there appears the physical universe. This is perceived by the unit consciousness as the five fundamental factors, via the indryas and the tanmatras (the sense organs and physical inferences). Reversing this process the physical aspects are blended into the mind, which is then blended back into Nirguna Brahma.

Eventually things are as dense as they can get. If the solid factor predominates then an explosion can take place, in which it is broken up into the subtler factors and things continue. An example of this is the nova and super-nova processes. When the factors are more balanced then unit life can appear. The pressure is generated from the external attributional flows, i.e. the tanmattras or wave energy.

This manifest universe, or the mind of God, is also described as being composed of seven worlds or lokas.

The Generation of Life

The internal friction gives rise to prana or bala, energy or power. Prana is found in all objects in the universe, the result of the internal clash of the gunas. The prana arises in two forms, centripetal and centrifugal, the tendancies toward contraction and expansion.

The balance of interior and exterior forces in a physical structure can form interior forces which have a nucleus. Each of the factors can have its own nucleus. When a common nucleus is formed then pranah (vital energy) is formed. This is the collection of the 10 vayus.

The balance of the interior and exterior forces, and the proportions of the five factors determine wether an object will explode or otherwise come apart, or generate life.

The Freeing of Purusa from the Gunas: Pratisaincara

While the source or controlling point of life is called the shambhuliunga the last, or end point in saincara (and the starting point for pratisaincara) is called svayambhuliunga. In the unit being this is the point at the base of the spine, the muladhara chakra where the kula kundalini, the coiled serpent lies, waiting to be wakened.

Excess energy and internal friction can lead to the powdering of material and the formation of ectoplasmic particles, cittanu, mind-stuff. We are now on the evolution back towards Purusa. The sum of the particles of cittanu make up the unit citta and a sense of mind develops. It is at this point that the unit kosas begin to appear.

This process is said to occur due to the action of an introversial force (relative to the cosmic nucleus, Parama Purusa) which is called vidya shakti. This attracts the unit consciousness back to the Cosmic consciousness.

As the organism evolves, physical clash gives way to mental clash, which in turn gives way to spiritual clash. Just as physical clash leads to the emergence of citta and then aham, mental clash develops aham (ego) and then mahat, while spiritual clash develops mahat and takes us back to the atman via sadhana. There are changes in the physical structure that must also occur as the mind evolves, such as developing increasingly complex nervous and glandular systems. This is known as psycho-physical parallelism, which must be roughly maintained for the health of the organism. As showed by Gopi Krishna's experience physical changes can take place within a single lifetime. The number of vrttis (mental tendencies) also increase.

In this process of mental evolution the wavelength of the mind is getting increasingly longer, the frequency lower (P. R. Sakar). This agrees with brain wave measurements of meditating yogis etc. The deeper the state the lower the frequency. Philosophically this is due to the increased size of the mind as it expands, so simple standing waves with a constant number of nodes have a longer frequency. Compare different sized drums. (See also a comparison with psychic systems).

It is said that bodhi helps to take the mind towards the Supreme.

Merging in the Source: Samadhi

Sadhana is the process by which the impurities, or distortions, of the mental layers due to the stored samskaras are released, allowing the Paramatman to reflect clearly off the unit mind. As this process progresses, the jiivatman becomes increasing the similar to the Paramatman.

When the aham and citta merge into the mahat, and the unit mahat, or I feeling merges in the cosmic Mahat, then it is called savikalpa samadhi. This means there is a single object of thought, the Supreme. There are several stages to savikalpa samadhi. When this state is attained by a soul with no remaining samsakras then it can be maintained and liberation (mukti) has been attained. This is not complete or final as the merger is with Saguna Brahma which can create anew.

When the mahat merges into the atman then there is nirvikalpa samadhi. This completes the circle of creation. This state is beyond words, in fact it is beyond mind and cannot be comprehended or experienced by the mind. This state is only known by the lasting feeling of bliss that remains when one returns. This state is also beyond the power of the gunas, and when entered by a soul with no remaining samaskaras it is nirvana, permanent liberation. It is possible for the soul to create a new physical form, assuming a voluntary samsakra in order to perform some chosen task in the world.

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Created January, 1998.
Last updated February 26, 1998.
© Alan McAllister

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