Human Spiritual Structure: The Gunas
Notes in progress © 1998-2002 Alan McAllister  

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In yogic cosmology Prakrti, which is the binding component of Saguna (Manifest) Bhrama, is comprised of three forces, or gunas. These are:

The yogic description of how the gunas create a tri-partite mind.

Food Categories

As with all physical objects comprised of the five fundamental factors, foods are formed with a greater or lesser amount of the three gunas. One branch of Aryuveda deals with the classification of foods as Satvic, Rajasic, or Tamasic, and makes recommendations about diet on this basis of how these energies interact with different physcial constitutions.

As with anything else in the physical universe the categorization of foods, and the resultant dietary recommendations depend on time place and person. Some foods may be in one category in the morning and another at night (e.g. yogurt, cucumbers, etc.). There are also significant differences based on climate, so that the a person living in the Arctic will need to eat a cruder (heavier) diet that one living in the tropics, where the diet can be quite light.

In general tamasic foods are to be avoided entirely. Rajasic foods taken only in moderation, and less so by sadhakas. Satvic foods are recommended for all.

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Last updated February 27, 1998. AHM.
© Alan McAllister

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