Bhurloka: This is the physical world. It is an
objective external reality to the unit minds, but is internal
to the Cosmic Mind.
Bhuvarloka: The stratum in which the five factors are just taking form.
It is the realm of the level of mind working the physical
body, the kamamaya kosa.
Bhrama himself has no physical body, and thus he has no
kamamaya kosa as it exists in unit beings. However this
level is the stage for the creation of bhurloka, and
enables him to enjoy his creation (bhurloka) in his mind.
Svarloka: The realm of the manomaya kosa, and of
pleasure and pain. This is the realm of samskaras, where they are
are generated, exist, and are experienced. It is the
basis of the idea of heaven, the fruits of good actions
will be rewarded in svarloka.
Maharloka: This is the realm of atimanas kosa, and is
the place where the samskaras
first vibrate. It is also the level of mind which first
desires to do sadhana.
Janarloka: This is the realm of vijinanamaya kosa.
It is a place of wisdom, true knowledge, and
Tapaloka:This is the realm of hiranmaya kosa. Here
knowledge and even the I feeling are latent.
Satyaloka: Here the gunas are present but
not manifest. Purusa alone is manifest. This is the realm
of Nirguna Samadhi.
If the mind is to be objective, it must be witnessed, there must
be a subject. This subject is Purusottama, although he takes different
roles relative to the different lokas, and is given different names.
See the table above.