Human Spiritual Structure: Buddhist Meditation
Notes in progress © 1998-2002 Alan McAllister  

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There are many schools of Buddhism, many of which have their own practices and meditations.

The Establishment of Mindfulness

The Buddha's teachings on the establishment of mindfulness are a series of meditations broken into four groups. Each group establishes mindfulness relative to one aspect of being.

Mindfulness of the Body

Mindfulness of the Feelings

Mindfulness of the Mind

Mindfulness of the Objects of Mind

The Zogqen Teachings

Zogqen is a Tibetan Buddhist path. The teachings are organized in sets of threes. The basic set are the Base, the Path, and the Fruit. These are briefly the condition of existence, the way to overcome dualism, and the results of having done so.[CWL]


The Base is the fundamental ground of existence and of the individual. It is original, pure, and self-perfected [ Nirguna Brahma]. It is a state of being rather than a separate thing, existing in every aspect of the manifest universe. However, when a being enters into dualism the experience of the Base is masked by the passions, attachments, and aversions of the mind under the influence of the illusion of dualism. In such beings it is latent, becoming manifest again in the realized being. This realization is not knowledge about the universe, but the direct experience of its fundamental nature, the beingness of the self. Those who have realized the primordial state may transmit the state directly to their students. It is inherently inexpressible in words, but may be hinted at with metaphors and examples. In explaining the Base in words, it is broken into three aspects, however, these three aspects are completely interdependent. [CWL]


This is the key to opening the cage which has been explained by the teaching about the Base. It is the practice by which we make real, bring into experience, the intellectual understanding.[CWL]


The fruit is actually the same as the Base, i.e. realization is the experiencing of one's original non-dual nature. Realization is explained in terms of three capacities, or liberations:

The illusion of duality depends on the interdependent arising of subject and object, i.e. the senses and the sense media (e.g. hearing and sound) and the mind and existence. Once they arise they reinforce each other. As practice proceeds and the senses are self-liberated, they become unlimited, no longer bound by distance or scale, or even by intervening objects. These results of the reunification of the senses and their objects are termed the five Nonxes: of seeing (body), hearing (voice), knowing others thoughts (mind), the knowledge of dying and being reborn (due to being beyond time), the knowledge of miracles. These are seen as signs along the path. The final Fruit is the union of the mind and existence (internal and external space) which results in the manifesting of the Body of Light (beyond the astral body). [CWL]

The realized practitioner has realized the Base, their perfect original form and can manifest each of the three kaya (bodies) without conditioning themselves.[CWL]

In his essay on The Mirror Norbu says that it is a mistake to fixate even on a feeling of peace or pleasure as this is just another thought. It is the consistent awareness of ones own state that is important, relaxing the mind into its natural state. With that the state will work itself out, as the troublesome parts are let go, and also the pleasant parts. Until finally one just is in the awareness of self, unconditioned by whatever arises. This is essentially the same as the establishment of mindfulness.

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Created November 27, 1998.
Last updated January 23, 1999.
© Alan McAllister