Human Spiritual Structure: Guru
Notes in progress © 1998-2002 Alan McAllister  

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Guru means the one who leads from darkness into the light, literally the dispeller of darkness.

When the disciple is ready the guru will appear. But this is not to be any `guru'. The only true guru is Parama Purusa himself (Bhrama), though s/he may appear through the medium of a perfected being (a sadguru). This sadguru may or may not be physically present, or even have a body. S/He may or may not present him/herself to the sadhaka, but s/he will always be there to guide and assist. When the disciple is ready for a direct relationship the guru will appear. Even when there is the appearance of a physical body, that form is not the Guru, rather the Consciousness behind the form is the Guru.

It is only by the grace of the Supreme (or the sadguru) that the final step in sadhana, the rise of the kundalini from the ajina to the saharara chakra takes place.

A great guru is also called a mahakaola ( Taraka Brahma), who is not only able to raise their own kundalini, but also that of others. These rare persons are the only proper gurus.

Types of Guru

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Last updated February 26, 1998. AHM.
© Alan McAllister

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