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In psychic work the chakras are usually described as whirling vortices of energy. The base of the vortices is at the location of the spiritual chakra, near the front of the spine. There are pairs of vortices, one in front and one in back, although some systems have only single vortices for the first and seventh chakras, pointing upwards and downwards respectively.
The direction and speed of rotation, as well as the symmetry and axis of the vortices reflects the strength, balance, and overall health of the chakras. Some teachers describe internal sub-vortices which may correspond the the petals of the yogic lotuses.
The chakras translate spiritual energy into emotional and glandular information that the body can work with. They emit a bright blue energy which defines and protects the layers of the aura. The colors and frequencies of the auric layers are derived from the basic blue energy of the chakras.[MB]
Leadbeater's chakras are said to exist on the surface of the etheric body, serving to mediate between the physical and astral bodies. The chakras are likened to rotating flowers, rooted in the spine. The roots pass through the nerve ganglia and energy is distributed on the physical level through them and those in the spine. As the cosmic energy enters the chakras it sets up perpendicular forces which undulate in circular motion. The primary force sets up radial lines which are like spoke on the wheel of the chakras, and correspond to the yogic petals. The secondary undulations have thousands of wavelengths creating swirls of various diameters about the vortex. This leads to different colors of the various petals.[The description is not very clear here.] The chakras may be more or less developed in different people, or even in the same person. [TC]
Leadbeater found that the brightness of the chakras he saw did not always correlate with a person's moral and spiritual development. He thought that energy was modulated through the petals, and specific colors related to specific moral qualities. He concluded that the condition of the individual petals was what corresponded to moral development, not that of the over all chakra. This (although somewhat confused) appears consistent with the association of specific vrttis with each petal [AHM]. [TC]
Leadbeater says the chakras also exist in the astral body, but these are only awakened by an activated kundalini. As it rises through the chakras astral abilities are awakened. [TC]
Note that the various systems of interpreting chakras referenced here are not always in complete agreement.
This is the chakra of the tribe, the family or group. Issues
here are those relating to the energy around loyalty, honor, and
justice. In the body it relates to the legs, feet, bones, physical
support, the immune system, and the rectum. The main issues are
said to involve survival, but in particular as relates to the
group or tribe, and to the individual visa vi the group or
tribe. The Christian Sacrament is baptism, and the fundamental
truth is that "All is One". It is related to the Sefirot of Shekhinah.[AtS]
This is one of Leadbeater's physiological chakra, mainly
receptive the an earth energy (the "serpent fire" [kundalini])
and cosmic energy from the sun. This chakra has four petals of
alternate orange and red. It is rooted at the 4th sacral and
related to the sacral plexus.[TC]
This chakra deals with relationships with others, and with
the external world in general. The main themes are sexuality,
power, money, and creativity. Control issues manifest here as
do addictions. In the body it relates to the sexual organs,
the large intestine, lower spine, pelvis, hips, appendix, and
bladder. This is the basic center of personal power in relation
to others, and of the choice between faith and fear. The Christian
Sacrament is Communion, and the fundamental truth is that "Honor
One Another". It is related to the
Sefirot of Yesod.[AtS]
This is one of Leadbeater's physiological chakra, mainly
receptive the an earth energy (the "serpent fire") and cosmic
energy from the sun. Leadbeater's second chakra is anomalous.
He associates it with the spleen, and locates left of the
navel. It is concerned with specialization, subdivision, and
dispersion of the vital energy from the sun. The six petals
are rainbow hued, red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet.
It is rooted at the 1st lumbar and related to the splenic nerve
This chakra deals with our identity as individuals. In the
body it relates to the abdomen, stomach, upper intestines,liver,
gallbladder, kidney, pancreas, adrenal glands, spleen and the
middle spine. It is associated with the solar plexus and our
personal power center. It main themes are self-esteem, personal
ambitions, responsibility and inner power. Strength, stamina
and the emergence of intuition. The Christian Sacrament is
Confirmation, and the fundamental truth is to "Honor One's
Self". It is related to the Sefirot
of Nezah and Hod.[AtS]
This is one of Leadbeater's personal chakras, receiving
energy from the lower astral level, which enters through the
personality. The petals are predominantly shades of red and
green. This chakra is closely connected with the emotions.
It is rooted at the 8th thoracic and related to the coeliac,
or sacral, plexus. [TC]
This chakra mediates between the spiritual and the physical.
It processes emotional perceptions and defines our emotional space.
In the body it relates to the heart and circulatory system, lungs,
shoulders and arms, ribs/breasts, diaphragm, thymus gland. It is
the central energy center in the body. It main themes are love,
compassion, trust. The Christian Sacrament is Marriage, most
importantly between the self and the divine. The fundamental
truth is that "Love is Divine Power". It is related to the Sefirot of Tif'eret.[AtS]
This is one of Leadbeater's personal chakras, receiving
energy from the higher astral level. It glows golden. It is
rooted at the 8th cervical and related to the cardiac,
pulmonary, and coronary, nerve plexsi.[TC]
This chakra has to do with choice, the power of will, and the
acceptance of God's will. In the body it relates to the throat,
thyroid and parathyroid, trachea and esophagus, neck vertebrae,
mouth, teeth and gums, hypothalamus. Its main themes are surrender
and faith. The Christian Sacrament is Confession, releasing the
past. The fundamental truth is that "Surrender Personal Will to
Divine Will". It is related to the Sefirot
of Hesed and Gevurah.[AtS]
This is one of Leadbeater's personal chakras, receiving
energy from the lower mental realms. Its petals alternate
blue and green, producing a silvery effect. It is rooted at the
3rd cervical and related to the pharyngeal nerve plexus.[TC]
This chakra has to do with the mind, psychology, and intuition.
It is the seat of wisdom. In the body it relates to the brain,
nervous system, eyes, ears, nose, pineal and pituitary glands.
Its main themes are detachment, symbolic meaning, wisdom,
understanding, and service. The Christian Sacrament is Ordination.
The fundamental truth is that "Seek Only the Truth". It is related
to the Sefirot of Binah and Hokhmah.
This is one of Leadbeater's spiritual chakras. This chakra
has two halves, one colored pink mixed with yellow, the other
purplish-blue. Leadbeater saw 48 petals in each half. This is
one for each of the petals in the lower 5 chakras [AHM]. It is
rooted at the 1st cervical and related to the carotid, cavernous,
and cephalic ganglia. Satyananda sees this chakra on the astral
level as gray.[TC]
This chakra is the connection to the Divine.
In the body it relates to the skin and the skeletal and muscular
systems. Its main themes are devotion, faith, and spiritual insight.
The Christian Sacrament is Extreme Unction, clearing unfinished
business. The fundamental truth is that "Live in the Present
Moment". It is related to the Sefirot
of Keter.[AtS]
This is one of Leadbeater's spiritual chakras. It is a
depression were the divine force enters the etheric body. As a person progresses
the flow reverses and this chakra radiates prismatic hues, mainly
purples. It has 960 undulations, with a center region of twelve,
white and gold.[TC]
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