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The Kabbalah is the Jewish mystical tradition. It is centered on, or represented by the ten serifot, or the Tree of Life. These are traditionally arranged as follows:
Keter Binah Hokhmah Gevurah Hesed Tif'eret Hod Nezeh Yesod Shekhinah
The crown of God, that part of the divine which inspires physical manifestation. The point of beginning between Heaven and Earth. It is not well defined and thus has the broadest scope.
Wisdom. The connection between Divine Mind and human thought. Form preceding manifestation, manifestation starts here. This sefirah has a male tone.
The understanding and intelligence of God. The Divine Mother, the womb from which all physical creation comes.
The love and mercy of God. Greatness. The Right Arm of God.
Power, judgement, and punishment. The Left Arm of God.
Compassion, harmony, and beauty. The trunk or heart of the tree.
The endurance of God. The Right Leg of God.
The majesty of God. The Left Leg of God. The legs of God are the source of prophecy.
The procreative force of God, the phallus. The merging of energy into physical form. The Righteous One.
The mystical community of Isreal (feminine), or by extention of all people. The grounded life force of the Earth, Moon, Rose, the Garden of Eden.
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