Client Stories
Read about other people's experiences working with Alan.
Thank you for being my trusted guide on my journey to myself.
We travelled far across some pretty rough terrain and ended by
dancing with my soul and breathed new life into every organ.
J.M. - Boulder CO
Alan McAllister is the real thing when it comes to clairvoyants. I have been struggling with a
career issue and Alan's gifts helped me understand the underlying situation from a whole new
Being in Alan's presence during a reading is an extraordinary experience. He seems to enter a
deep state where images and information flow through him and are then translated into words
and metaphors. I felt energy shift and settle as we got deeper into the reading. The images were
very vivid and accurate.
Alan's psychic communication got to me on a profound level. The reading lingered in my mind
for a long time. I found myself mulling over the images, slowly ingesting what they mean.
I love Alan's humble, heart-centered approach. The experience brought healing laughter, wisdom,
and clarity.
S.S. - Lafeyette CO
[energy reading and healing]
Alan's work with me was incredibly powerful and moving. In one brief session he not only relieved
significant anxiety, he also opened a doorway to spirit which has remained open. I am greatly
S.A. PhD - Longmont CO
[guided trance session]
Please know how blessed I feel for having experienced your work. have provided many areas
of clarity and growth for me. Thank you for being who you are and for sharing it!
J.M. - Denver CO
[energy work]
The session with you was awesome!!!!!!!!!! It is still reverberating! Last
night at my full moon evening it continued... Today I had to sleep 3 hours
this afternoon!!!!!!!
Thank you again so so much!!!!!!!!!
M.G. - Longmont CO
[guided trance session]
Just wanted to say whatever you did, was awesome. I feel like I was meant to see you.
I have felt for awhile like I was being held back spiritually, and intuitively.
I knew that there was more that I was missing and I have been asking for guidance
on how to fix the problem. Well, working with you...the problems have been fixed.
So thank you!
C.M - Loveland CO
[energy healing]
Working with Alan was an experience in awareness and mastery. He provided guidance and
neutrality allowing me to explore any issue of concern. Through his insight and intuition
I was able to explore areas I would have bypassed or not had any awareness around. It felt
as though I was working with a guide on opening up to parts of myself I did not recognize
or took for granted. I valued being able and encouraged to use my own tools in cooperation
with his guidance. Through a combination of using my tools and learned tools from Alan I
was able to take this work into my daily life and play with levels of awareness and
behavioral changes equaling the experience of mastering my choices. Working with Alan was
an experience I am forever grateful for.
S.P. - Boulder CO
I wanted to thank you from my heart and soul for always being a "safe place to land" for me.
Your energy is always pushing me outside of my boundaries but also always providing a sense
of safety for me...
C.G. - Evergreen CO
[hypnotherapy] fact the piece was incredibly strong,
yet it wasn't hard because it felt so complete... that's how I want to clear!
C.H. - NY
[long distance energy healing]
i just wanted to say thanx for the advice and reading, you really were on target and its helped me deal
and i always meditate and read the email when i need backup. Thank you so much!!!!!
B.H. - Colorado Springs CO
[internet energy reading]
What a magnificent time with you today! The space you created for me to heal was a space I have
not experienced for a long time. It felt wonderful to be there again! Thank you.
M.A. - Boulder CO
[guided trance session]
Your wisdom, support and compassion have been
very helpful to me through this transition. Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!
A.R. - Crestone CO
[energy work]
Thanks for the work you did with me. My brain seems to be functioning lighter, quicker and
sharper; so I must have released more than I realized. Thanks, again!
M.P. - Longmont CO
[energy healing]
I've used the affirmations and the signal with my fingers. It seems to be working really
well with about 90% of the time when I can control my emotions. What a relief!!
Thanks for all your hard work and understanding.
V.M. - Longmont CO
[hypnosis session]
WOW. It was powerful! I haven't stopped thinking about what you said. It's funny, but I felt DRAWN to your table.
... I feel that the "draw" to your table was no accident.
...the real power of what you said & felt was centered on my conflict between the "intellect" and "intuition". SO true.
I feel that this transition I am going through is HUGE---and what was very encouraging was hearing you say that the
confusion is OKAY and part of the process. What I heard from you is "let go and allow it". ...
I felt I had much to learn from you.
I just want to say THANK YOU. You have a real gift. I consider that reading to have been a gift to me.
L.S. - Littleton CO
[energetic reading]
Alan's Teaching
Alan... understands the need for teachers at all academic levels who can communicate both ideas and the excitement of ideas. He has the rare ability to adapt his explanations to the level of understanding of his students. He exhibits the patience and the perserverance that is required to work and find the best methods to communicate a particular topic. I believe he would do an equally good job in teaching Kindergarten students as college students. -- Sara Martin, President, Helio Research
Contact Alan to schedule your FREE 30 min phone consult.

Last updated Sept 2, 2012. © Alan McAllister.