Please enjoy these short readings and meditations to experience the powerful relaxing and healing qualities that Alan brings through his voice.
The longer meditations can be purchased for your continued use at your convienience.
All recordings copywrite © 2006-2015 by Alan McAllister and Whole Being Explorations
Please enjoy listening to these meditations and readings in a comfortable place, but never while driving or working with machinery or tools that require full attention. As with any guided process always make it your own, shifting specific details to suite your own situation and associations.

click here to listen.
Guesthouse a Poem by Rumi – Free
An inspirational poem about how to receive emotional “guests”.
1 minute

25 minutes.

Please click here to listen.
Short Heart Space Meditation – Free
A short meditation to open the heart and fill you with love.
For text and accompanying article click here.
3 minutes
A short meditation to open the heart and fill you with love.
For text and accompanying article click here.
3 minutes

Experience a healing for your aura, a clearing for the main energy channels, and balancing for your chakras.
Charged with the same energy as an in-person healing.
24 minutes.

Listen to “reading” clip (30 sec): here .
Learn how to dance with joy through all aspects of your life, while also grounding deeply in the earth.
The DVD includes a copy of the “reading” version.
For text version click here.
10 minutes.

Last amended January 9, 2015. © Alan McAllister.