Spiritual Flames

Some art is really meant to be felt. It carries an energy that speaks to our being beyond words, beside the mind, through the emotions and the heart. Sometimes it can produce a whole visionary experience, in which we see or feel a process or events that are associated with the picture.

I recently had such an experience with two of Michelle Soule’s pieces about the transformational power of flame and fire. While you might well have a different experience (or none at all) in “viewing” these paintings, the messages I got seem to be more than personal. These are energies that we can all tap into in our own way, and are very much in play for many of us in these times of accelerated growth and emergence as spiritual beings on planet Earth.

“The Violet Flame”

violet flame

The first painting, “The Violet Flame”, felt to me like an invocation, where the figure is calling in this energy and offering it too us. When I closed my eyes I felt myself in the flame, a sheet of violet flame, saw myself stepping through it, but my shadow self held back, afraid. I called and beckoned and after hesitating it stepped through the flame after me. As it did those parts that were not really me, things I carried for others, or limitations and programs that had come from society were burned away, and what joined me was a smaller figure, but one made now of gold.

This is the alchemy of transformation that is open to us when we are willing to turn inside and delve into the “dark” places of our soul. It is still our soul, and part of Soul. When we remove the judgments and fears we are gifted with valuable aspects of ourselves that have been “hiding”. This violet flame helps us in this process, purifying us as we step forward to claim our full spiritual essence. It says to me that in the “dark night” of our souls we are not alone, and spirit will aid us when we summon the courage to step forward through our fears and resistances.


risen, star flame

The second painting, “Risen” is about another aspect of this birthing process we go through as we wake up to the reality of our spiritual selves. In this painting the figure is evoking the energies of the new born star behind it. Rather than holding the energy for us, it is calling forth the new solar wind, the energy is rushing out of the painting at us. With perhaps more urgency than in the Violet Flame, as we stand facing it, our being is blown open and the cloudy and retarding energies we carry are separated and carried off. We are being forced to wake up, to come back from dream (the figure lying behind in shadow, perhaps in the “field of ideas”) and step forward brightly in this world.

When a new star is born from a cloud of collapsing gas in the depths of space, it becomes so hot and pressured in its core that the fusion of atoms starts to occur. Pairs of hydrogen atoms combine into Helium and a great light and energy is released. This rushes outward through the star, until coming to the surface it forms a solar wind. The pressure of this light will blow all the remaining gas and dust out away from the star, leaving only a few planets that have solidified in orbit circling this new born being in the heavens, and first light rushes outwards to announce a new member in the community of stars.

We are at this place of igniting our souls, going deep into the pressure and heat of our being, owning our spiritual essence, lighting our being and throwing off the limitations, the shadowing energies that hide our true brilliance. We are needed in the world in all our power and glory. This new wind is clearing our being, challenging us to wake up and step forward.

What has been a quiet invitation is becoming a commanding roar. We can allow ourselves to be birthed in this wind, or continue to let our souls sleep in another world. We are all needed here in this one, to help birth the new realities that are coming through not just for us as individual beings, but collectively and planetarily.

If these paintings speak to you, or you know these energies from other sources, invite these flames to help you in your journey, and know that you have powerful assistance when you need it. Be reassured that once this light has been lit, even a little and deep inside, it will grow until it fills you, and you have come fully alive. This is not about doing something, but allowing yourself to be in the way you are meant to BE.

(© 1/2008)

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Poems of Transformation

Being with emotion
giving it space,
anger becomes power,
grief finds its joy,
and fear melts into life force.
May you find the space to breath
and know the light that
you already are.

We are all floating in the sea of consciousness,
thinking that we are alone and thirsty.
When we rise to the top of the waves and look around
we see all our friends nearby and realize that by relaxing in
this sea we will have everything we need.
Dive deep and remember.

The golden infant floats in space
Radiating love and a sense of peace
Is this myself, before incarnation?
or an image of the divine?
I take it into my heart and it really
doesn’t matter, does it?
Waking up to ourselves as divine light
in whatever form, we move towards global
transformation and rebirth..

(© 1/2008)

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Looking Forward

by Alan McAllister, CCHt PhD-phys

Have you ever noticed the shift in mental perspective as you come through the holiday season and look up to find the new year stretched out in front of you? Coming into the season we are focused on the holidays and the winding up of the old year. The world is getting darker and colder (at least in the northern parts of the planet). There is a contraction of our vision and mental sense of space.

As the New Year passes all these factors shift and we look out into time which stretches in front of us, becoming lighter and warmer, and there is an increasing sense of space and opening up. [If you live in the south envision the mid-year solstice]

Often in healing work we go through a similar transition. If we are focused on a “problem” or “issue” it has a past, it may be dark, scary, or painful. It can limit our ability to look ahead or plan the future, or if its not too intense at least cloud things somewhat. Perhaps we do imagine a future without something, or with something, but it may seem distant, out of reach, as if it’s “next year”.

They say in the east that the reason that water is stronger than stone is that in the river it moves around the stone, but over time slowly wears it away.

In truth we always have a choice, to look back, or look forward. We stand in the present and make this choice, along with the choice to envision the future we want. While we may feel like we are heading into the dark of winter, or the depths of the night, we stand always at New Years, and the dawn of the new day.

When we begin to move our attention into the present and look up towards the future, even if it takes some time and effort, we stop feeding the past, begin to allow our mental visions to expand. It is a simple shift of perspective, and at first it may seem like illusion or a lie. But try it for a while and you will find a difference. Share it with your friends and you will find them reflecting it back to you.

In fact a few good friends who choose to look forward for you are an invaluable asset. Move away from those people who hold the images of the past, who, for whatever reasons, loving or otherwise, have trouble seeing you where YOU want to be. Spend more time with those wonderful people who trust that you are moving forward and are a capable soul who knows where you are going.

While there may be process to complete a healing or release on a physical or emotional level, you don’t have to wait for it to be complete before looking forward. You will find that the change in perspective does help! You are laying the foundation for who you will be and where you will go. Not tomorrow, or next year, but today.

Remember that when you build a building you work up from the ground. You don’t build the 5th floor before the first. You live through January before you get to June. However, you can look up and hold the vision of the 5th floor, and all the others in between; you know the feeling of summer, even in the heart of winter. You can find in yourself the feelings of love and compassion, in the midst of trial and challenge. Nurture them and they will grow.

In healing work it is known that you can focus too much on the past. You can spend great time and effort excavating old ruins. This may be useful, or it may not. Your goal is the future, and you need to start building that as soon as you can, even in little bits. Clear the past when it gets in your way, or shows up to challenge you (as it surely will), but always face forward and get the vision of where you are going (with a little help from your friends). Over time there will be less excavation and “healing” and more creating and joy.

It is a fact that as a society we think of healing and fixing, which is often necessary, but not so much about expanding and optimizing. Collectively we stand at the threshold of great potential. We know so much about how to build a bright future for ourselves and our planet. The same tools that move you from the shadow end of the spectrum of experience into the middle can help to move you on into the light end.

You don’t have to be “broken” to learn how to look forward and move further into your dreams. In fact where we are on the spectrum of fulfilling our dreams and our potential is not as important as simply, which way are you facing?, are you looking into the dark or calling in the light? Where ever we are we can give aid to others and benefit from the support of our friends.

This is not a matter of denying the past or the shadow. They may still have valuable lessons for us, and will naturally fall away when they are not useful. It is a matter of remembering to dream, to face in the direction we want to go as much as possible. The only way to get to the end of the long tunnel is to face that way and start walking. Live life facing forward; forward as you dream it and feel it, wherever you may be. And the more we all do this together.. well that’s a wonderful dream.

This New Year perhaps you can try something a friend suggested to me a while back. Exchange your “resolutions” with a friend or two. They hold your vision for you and you hold theirs for them. Its always easier to do for someone else isn’t it?

(© 1/2008)

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Many Blessings as the Year Turns

It seems that I am being reminded in many ways this year that this is actually the time of the year when we are best able to turn inward and seek the wisdom and blessings in the unlighted parts of our soul. It is also a time to slow and relax and enjoy what we have accomplished during the brighter times of the year.

It seems ironic that as a society we have gone to such efforts to be busy and “bright” and avoid this valuable spiritual opportunity. Almost a sense of desperation. No wonder we feel so stressed, to be so busy when our bodies want to rest and turn inside rather than running around outside.

I had the opportunity to experience a painting of the “violet flame” last week in a very interesting way. I felt myself in the flame, and closing my eyes saw myself stepping through it, but my shadow self held back, afraid. I called and beckoned and after hesitating it stepped through the flame after me. As it did those parts that were not really me, things I carried for others, or limitations and programs that had come from society were burned away, and what joined me was a smaller figure, but one made now of gold.

This is the alchemy of transformation that is open to us when we are willing to turn inside and delve into the “dark” places of our soul. It is still our soul, and part of Soul. When we remove the judgments and fears we are gifted with valuable aspects of ourselves that have been “hiding”.

So this year, celebrate the shadow as well as the light and find your own presents, your own gold there.

(© 1/2008)

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The Flow of Abundance

Last year, about this time, I co-hosted a showing of the movie “The Secret”. It was something that happened a number of times as viewing it with a group always seemed like a powerful and fun way to appreciate the movie, and was a great way to spend an evening. This particular evening after everyone had left I went upstairs to my office and looked out the window. The streetlight in front of the house was illuminating a thick steady snow fall, sparkling flakes driven down by the wind.

I had the clear sense that this was a picture of the universe’s constant shower of love, energy and gifts, that is always available when we learn to be open to it. It was especially clear when I let my mind go and just felt the flow and pattern. This was an image of the flow of energy from the universe. What a great lesson. I find that having such a concrete experience is easier to call up when I need to remember the feeling of love, gratitude, and abundance. Perhaps you have a special experience that embodies this for you. If not call one in, and be alert for it. Then experience it deeply in your being and use it to nurture that state in yourself, in which you are relaxed and blessed even if the external forms are a bit crazy.

Recently, a little over a year later, many things have changed, and I have been thinking about that night and trying to remember that feeling. Perhaps the unusual absence of snow so far this year, or the changed life situations have made it more challenging than it was then. Until tonight.

I am helping to hold space for a powerful group of women doing ceremony. They are inside. Around them, outside in the mountains on a cold winter night stand a ring of men. Part way through the ceremony it starts to snow, and I feel again that sense of blessing, of being showered with the flow of universal energy that is always there if we can allow it, open to it, and let it flow rather than try to trap it and contain it. I felt doubly blessed that the universe is reminding me: see I have not gone anywhere. I am still flowing with abundance and blessing for you. In fact now you are feeling it on your face, not just watching through a window! Experience this with your whole being and remember!

I am now warm in the cold night, my heart opening to receive this blessing as the snow falls softly on my cheeks. I am full of gratitude, love, and joy, standing in the flow of the universe.

(© 12/2007)

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