An End to Haunting One’s Self

Feeling into the emotional space inside myself,
scared to find the fear/pain that was always there
I gingerly turn on the light and slowly realize
that there the space is empty, the fear is gone.
It is gone and I am free, free to relax the
vigilance, that always guarded against
the threat that this pain or fear would
be stimulated, would awaken to haunt me

This fear I put there to protect me from harm,
if I am fearful enough inside somehow I will avoid
fearful things outside. What strange logic?
How true to say “All we need fear is fear itself.”
How much we suffer from trying not to suffer,
doing unto ourselves before someone else does unto us.
We create more of what we seek to avoid,
carrying fear around all the time so as not to
have anything fearful happen to us, some time.
And finally being fearful we create events,
or draw in people that will confirm this to us so
and we can say: see we were right to be afraid.

Setting aside the fear of fear, relaxing into our core
we trust ourselves to walk peacefully in the world
Even if we don’t eliminate all possible events
we are only afraid when we need to be
not of our own depths so we can’t sleep well at night.
Most of the time we can know peace and joy,
the door is open to happiness,
feeling safe in our own being, we connect freely to life and love.

Blessed be.

Setting aside the fear of fear, relaxing into our core we trust ourselves to walk peacefully in the world. Even if we don’t eliminate all possible events we are only afraid when we need to be, not of our own depths so we can’t sleep well at night. Most of the time we can know peace and joy the door is open to happiness, feeling safe in our own being, we connect freely to life and love.

Blessed be.

(© 3/2008)

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Maximum Options

It is well known that when visualizing something you want to create, or attract into your life it is important to leave as many doorways as possible open for spirit to walk through in answering your prayer. When it comes to things such as love or approval this is also true, though often challenging to remember and follow.

If you insist that someone’s love or approval is the only answer to your prayer, you are seriously limiting the universe’s options. In many cases we compound the challenge by insisting that this much sought love and approval be expressed in specific ways.

But we are living in a universe that has a foundation of love and approval for all beings (not to say that experience is not often otherwise), in which there are sources in nature, in ourselves, in the very fabric of existence, and in many other people, met and meetable, and yet we have all our awareness focused (consciously or unconsciously) on a few hard closed rocks in this sea of energy.

Take your sword of discrimination and begin to slice the bonds that bind you, that wrap you in the dark. Feel your light begin to expand. Give back all the invalidation that you have accepted. Slice some more ties. You are expanding further. Brightening from your core. Open yourself to the sea of possible love and approval around you, the very energy of space and time, the sunsets or the warmer breezes as spring approaches. Breath deeply and let the bindings fall away.

Reclaim the validations that were passed over before. Keep breathing.

Let go of the stories, settle into feeling. Open to the feeling of receiving, even if you think you don’t know how. Let go of that story. Feel whatever you feel, while calling in joy, love, and approval. Wait for things to shift. Breath. Feel into that part of yourself, inner, higher, whatever, that knows, and has always known, that you are worthy, lovable, capable, or whatever else you have felt was lacking. Let go of the memories that reflect only the bound, wounded, small version of yourself. Lift these parts up into the light. Experience your higher self receiving them and giving them what they want. Your expansive self is a part with the light of creation that flows all around us. Breath deep. Relax. Open yourself to joy and love and amusement.

(© 3/2008)

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Opening to Possibility

by Alan McAllister, CCHt PhD-phys

It is well known that when visualizing something you want to create, or attract into your life it is important to leave as many doorways as possible open for spirit to walk through in answering your prayer. Important aspects need to be specified, but other things can be left undefined to create more possibilities.

When it comes to things such as love or approval this is also true, though often challenging to remember and follow.

[Skipping a long discussion about the relative merits of providing these things for oneself, as opposed to expecting them from outside.]

If you insist that someone’s love or approval is the only answer to your prayer, you are seriously limiting the universe’s options. In many cases we compound the challenge by insisting that this much sought love and approval be expressed in specific ways. So in the process of requesting something very general, we narrow things down to not only who, but to how.

Then like a stream hurling itself against a rock, we vow that we will accept no substitutes. Our need has arisen from the pain of not receiving something we (perhaps rightly) expected from a parent or a lover, and we determine that until we get it from them we will refuse to consider other sources that may already exist in our lives.

So it becomes more challenging still, in that we have probably chosen to focus on sources that are unlikely to give us what we need or want. This was the original source of the issue. If they not only withheld love and approval, but perhaps invalidated us, or injured us, emotionally or otherwise, then the challenge grows larger.

But we are living in a universe that has a foundation of love and approval for all beings (not to say that experience is not often otherwise), in which there are sources in nature, in ourselves, in the very fabric of existence, and in many other people, met and meetable, and yet we have all our awareness focused (consciously or unconsciously) on a few hard closed rocks in this sea of energy.

We have tied ourselves up tight and solid in our ball of expectations, so that there is almost no way that we can get what we want the way we want it. And then we often use our failure to receive what we want to invalidate ourselves further, to conclude perhaps that we are not just lacking in love and approval, but somehow flawed and really unlovable, or unworthy of approval. This has, after all been our experience, hasn’t it?

Or has it? Pause to consider any time someone approved of you and you blew it off for whatever reason. Wrong person, wrong topic, not enough. How many times have there been like this? Take your sword of discrimination and begin to slice the bonds that bind you, that wrap you in the dark. Feel your light begin to expand. Give back all the invalidation that you have accepted. Realize how much of what you lack reflects the lack of those you sought to receive from. Slice some more ties. You are expanding further. Brightening from your core. Open yourself to the sea of possible love and approval around you, the very energy of space and time, the sunsets or the warmer breezes as spring approaches. Breathe deeply and let the bindings fall away.

Reclaim the validations that were passed over before. Include the dog wagging its tail, the smile from the checkout clerk, a well meaning but “off the mark” compliment. These are all aspects of the universe talking to you. Consider that while you may place more weight on certain people who are close to you, these other aspects manifest the universe just as directly. Try focusing on the small doses, noticing how many there actually are, and thinking that each one, whether they “know” you or not are a part of your dialogue with the divine. Let the light flow in, and continue to breathe.

Let go of the stories, settle into feeling. Open to the feeling of receiving, even if you think you don’t know how. Let go of that story. Feel whatever you feel, while calling in joy, love, and approval. Wait for things to shift. Breathe. Feel into that part of yourself, inner, higher, whatever, that knows, and has always known, that you are worthy, lovable, capable, or whatever else you have felt was lacking. Let go of the memories that reflect only the bound, wounded, small version of yourself. Lift these parts up into the light. Experience your higher self receiving them and giving them what they want. Your expansive self is a part with the light of creation that flows all around us. Climb off the back of the rock you have been stuck on and dive deep into the waters of life. Breathe deep. Relax. Open yourself to joy and love and amusement. Enjoy and celebrate.

(© 2/2008)

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Cycles and Seasons

Today it is warm and sunny, looking forward to the coming seasons, the world thaws, smells blossom and we remember freedom and relaxation. Tonight it may snow, yet we know that soon it will be warm again. Do we contract again, or stay open and receptive?

Through the seasons life changes but we can choose to be the same, or to be affected by those we like or dislike. Inner life also has its seasons and changes, but there as well we can come to a being that flows through the emotional patterns, or be blown this way and that.

Finding the core of who we are, nourishing the relationship to ourself, to Spirit, we can enjoy the snow or the sun, be with the joy or the sorrow. Seeking that which is constant, which remains through all the seasons we come closer to ourselves.

(© 2/2008)

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Falling Snow, Torness and Wholeness

Like many things in life the snow simply is, but what it means to us is really something we bring to the table. Is it a beautiful piece of natural performance art? an obstacle to traffic? a symbol of the flow of abundance and grace that always flows over us? or another chore that we have to do at the end of a long day? It may be something completely unique to you this day only.

Notice if it is some or all of these things. We are complex beings and are capable of holding many different images at the same time. Some of these may blend gracefully and others may clash.

I attended a great workshop this weekend and we were reminded of the quality of “tornness” ( Jorge Rubio Voller) in which we may want several things, or want to do something and to not do something at the same time. We may wish to help a friend, but be too tired and need to take care of ourselves, or need to cook diner for our children.

More and more it seems we live in a world that encourages us to be so busy that we are often torn in this way. So perhaps you can take some time to stand in the falling snow (or rain, or sunshine, or starlight) and allow your being to connect to the flow off all those flakes. Not choosing one over the other, allowing yourself to “have” all of them. And while you are doing this let go, for now, of all the other things that are tearing at you. Feel your feet on the ground, your connection to the sky, and the inner center that is you.

Being you… feel the flow of energy flowing through you, as the snow flakes fall, collect all the parts together in yourself and your awareness of self. Be conscious of your unity, and your ability to relate to the falling snow from a place of wholeness rather than tornness. Celebrate in great joy, just now, just here, and then carry this feeling with back into the world that pulls in so many directions.

(© 2/2008)

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