Beneath Excitement

by Alan McAllister, CCHt PhD-phys

Have you ever had the experience of wanting something and being anxious about it showing up. Then, when it comes in sight, you become excited only to have it fade away again? It might have been a job, a house, a relationship. Perhaps you got what you wanted, only to have the excitement fade over time and the anxiety return. This time it went well, but what about next time?

Several years ago after a past life regression session that had gone well, I felt the need to relax, ground, and recharge. I went for a walk along Boulder Creek. Standing on one of the bridges over the creek, looking down into the water I felt myself drop into a deep calm place inside. The level of ego or mind that experiences excitement was quiet and I felt myself standing in a place of certainty, of graceful being.

I knew that being excited over something that had gone well was the other end of the polarity that feared it might not. Excitement, as I usually experience it, is only the relief that something feared has not happened. Standing on the bridge I was in a deeper place underneath the excitement, and the fear, where neither one existed, and out of which they both arise; as the waves on the surface of a lake disturbed by the wind. A deeper place of certainty that simply is, independent of what did or did not happen in the world, or my interactions with it. A deeper level of Self.

In walking a spiritual path we learn to step out of, or into, our fears. To work through them, expand beyond them, let them go, or give them space. We know that when they arise we can loose our sense of self, our balance and our space, and we slowly learn how to gain these back again. We may learn how fear can block our hopes, our ability to manifest or to receive, but what about our excitement?

When we get what we want, it seems a natural thing to become excited. It is good to have gratitude, to validate oneself, to find joy and happiness. But the excitement of the ego is none of these. It is just as ungrounded as the anxiety out of which it grows. It takes us out of the present and into the future, planning what comes next, how all our dreams will grow out of one accomplishment. Ego excitement can also take you beyond simple self-validation, so you think that “you” have “done” it all, that you have created it all by yourself. We are always in co-creation with Spirit, and remembering gratitude for this is the best place to continue to create from. Taking you out of your center excitement takes you out of your power. It is not sustainable, not grounded in that deep stillness within, and the dream can fade again. Like Icarus we fly high into the Sun only to melt and crash back to Earth.

It is only in the present that dreams unfold and are walked into actuality. Excitement takes you out of the present and away from the place where your creativity operates, just as much as anxiety or fear. When you are rooted in your Self there is a power and knowing that will fuel your manifestation to levels that the fearful ego can never match. When you remember that the universe works with you to manifest your dreams there is nothing that cannot be accomplished.

The next time you feel the excitement of accomplishment, check in to see if you are relating to it from that deep place inside, where you are already certain and whole. Have gratitude and validate yourself. But if you find the nervous energy of adrenal driven excitement, breath deep and drop back into your Self. Call in joy and certainty and finish manifesting your dream from that space before you have drifted away on the winds of ego imaginings and loose your dream as well as your Self.

(© 2/2011)

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Healing Ourselves

by Alan McAllister, CCHt PhD-phys

Healing a scraped knee is fairly straight forward. You wash it off, clean out any foreign matter that has gotten into it, then you do things that transform the damaged flesh back into wholeness and health. On the physical level it is generally clear what is part of you and what is not. You remove one; transform and reintegrate the other.

Emotionally and energetically this distinction may be harder, as the intermingling of your energy and someone else’s may be harder to resolve. However, the principle is the same. When something comes up for healing we need to check whose it is, because we must work differently with our energies and those that come originally from someone else.

This is due to the simple truth that we can never heal someone else’s energetic injuries. We can support them while they do so, provide a container, tools or information, moral support or other assistance, but in the end they must do their own work. I have met healers who have learned the hard way the consequences of healing others at the cost of taking things on themselves. I have done this myself.

It seems that this is a natural human tendency, especially in relation to those we love. We take on their pain, hurt, emotions and other energies, but then we are stuck with them. We cannot heal or transform these received energies, because they are not ours. We can on the other hand release them, through Source, or the Earth, so they go home in a neutral form.

If we took something on as children from our parents, it has been in our space most of our lives, and we naturally think if it as ours. But even these things we cannot heal, only release. To do so we may have to let go of beliefs that we are failing or in some way harming that loved one we took it on for/from. The karmic truth is that even though we took something on, they still have to work it themselves, in some form, at some time. So while it is natural to take things on, it is not really effective.

Sometimes the foreign energies are not even in our space, they are in someone close to us, but we try to work those anyway, healing another’s pain rather than ourselves. If you’ve tried this, or had it happen to you, you know it doesn’t really work either, though they might feel better for a while.

On the other hand the stuck things that are ours, including our own emotions around things we’ve taken on from others, we can’t just toss aside when we find them. This would be like tossing your knee away when you scrapped it. Not that we don’t try to do this; to bury things, deny them or throw them away. However on the energetic levels it will always come back home, like Marley’s chain clanking after him. It is a part of our energy, of who we are, so we can’t just lose it. We try to anyway mostly because transforming our own energy is hard work. If it was easy we would have done it long ago.

The idea that you may want your old anger or grief is a little strange at first, remember that this is part of your life force, your energy. While the flavor might not suite you, once it is transmuted you can use it any way you like, as strength, joy, love. In the end it is this alchemical work of transforming and transmuting our own stuck energies that is our human homework. It gives us back our power and selves, integrated and whole. It makes space for you to bring in more of your soul and while challenging and arduous, the rewards are great.

Because of instinctual tendencies we spend our time trying to heal other people’s stuff, which we can’t, while ignoring or denying our own, which is what we can do something about. If there wasn’t so much pain in this, it would be funny. But, like your skinned knee, it’s important to explore any energies that arise in your space and ask for discernment as to what is really yours, which must be transformed and transmuted; and what is not, which can be returned cleanly.

It is in owning our own healing and in supporting each other to do this work for ourselves, that we become true healers. Thank you for doing your work, and may you be blessed with all the courage, discrimination, and grace that you can use.

(© 1/2011)

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Lighting the World

On Christmas eve, at a candle lit carol service that mirrored the Solstice ceremony I had been in a few days before, I opened to the Christ energy that we celebrate at this time of year. As it poured into my heart I closed my eyes and took a look at the Earth as a whole. It was a display of light that was more impressive than even the most gloriously overdone Christmas house. Billions of human beings focusing on love and hope, calling in Christ, and the space around the Earth full of angels and light flooding in in response. Pretty impressive when we all come together in shared purpose and community.

On New Year’s day I took a look at the Earth going forward into the new year, 2011! It was not quite so brightly lit, but I could see those who hold the light on a regular basis, connecting the Earth and Christ grids with the human heart grid that we have been collectively rebuilding for the last several decades. And then I noticed that even as I watched new lights were appearing!

Day by day there are more and more people waking up, remembering their spiritual selves and plugging consciously into the Light as we are all meant to do. Whenever we choose to hold to the love in our hearts and release the fear in our heads and guts; we do this. Whenever we reach out and connect to our fellow travelers on spaceship Earth: friends, family, strangers; we do this. Saying yes to living in love and joy, hope and belief, we plug into the world wide grids of our fellows.

If you ever have a chance to hold hands in a circle, and then lean back, until the arms are tight, and you feel yourself literally supported by your community. The web of light we are building is like this, relax into it and it has your back. Beyond the human realms, angels and guides are there as well. The web of Spirit is woven through everything, and we are remembering this connection, our place in this web. The more of us who move through the fear and open to our own light, the easier it becomes for everyone to follow.

So thank you for being a part of my circle, a part of the web that is shifting the paradigms on planet Earth. It is going to be a brighter year, and one rich in new joy and love in proportion to the old releases of fear and despair. The more of your human homework you complete the easier it becomes for all of us, as well as for you. Thank you for this as well.

Many Blessings for this new year. Its going to be an exciting journey. In gratitude, Alan

(© 1/2011)

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Living with a Full Heart

by Alan McAllister, CCHt PhD-phys

The heart is said to be the most powerful muscle in the body. Energetically, each time it beats thousands of neurons fire, creating an electric pulse, which induces a magnetic pulse that is measurable well beyond the body. These are the strongest E-M fields that the body produces.

But emotionally and energetically we often think of the heart as weak or fragile. It may have been broken and torn in the past, and we fear it may be again in the future, so we are reluctant to really be present in it and experience life in the heart and from the heart. Perhaps the key word above is “think”. Our hearts are actually very strong and powerful, a seat of our life energies and our soul. They are the gateway for unconditional love to come into us and into our lives. These energies and aspects are really much larger than the old emotional pain and fear that we may have stored there and use as armoring against future encounters.

To access this strength and love we may have to release the mental beliefs, the thoughts of the heart as weak or hurt. We also need to find the parts that are still whole and heal those that are not. This can assuredly be challenging, but it is also possible and most worthwhile. When we close our hearts on the outside, we mostly close them on the inside too, and that cuts us off from who we are, from our own souls. This is a high price to pay.

One of the reasons that I love nature, is that when it is challenging to open your heart around other humans, nature is simple and clear. She loves us the same way she loves all of life, no judgment or expectations. It is natural for the heart to open in nature. You probably have your places that you like to hang out. Next time consciously invite your heart to open to the trees, or mountains, or water that you love. Letting your heart open, feel it supported by nature, loving you back. The wider it opens the fuller it feels. At first some old things may kick up; be glad and let them go. Be gentle and work with this over time. You are reclaiming the natural state of a full heart.

Opening your heart outward to nature, and feeling her reply, begin to open it inward. Find that same love of you from the inside. It is there, part of who you are, a natural state of being. Let nature help you as needed. Invoke love from inside your Self, call it up and wait for it. If you notice your mind trying to get into the act, give it permission to take a break somewhere, it is not helpful here. When your heart is open on the inside, to soul, to source, there is an unlimited supply of unconditional love that flows into your heart, until it is bursting.

When your heart is full from the inside, you will find you no longer need armor or protection that you may have now. You are strong, not by being tough, but by being full of love. We only go into the negative when we are triggered around the past. When you are full of the love that is you, and it is infinite, what can really harm you? You can be present, open, and yet powerful in your certainty and fullness.

There is a story I once heard, possibly about Alexander the Great, who had conquered most of the known world, and found him self at a temple complex in the middle of central Asia. The head of this temple stood in front of him, unafraid. Alexander was puzzled and said, “why are you not afraid? I could run through with my sword without batting an eye.” To which the priest replied, “I could experience you run me through without batting an eye.” And Alexander turned and walked away. When we are connected and centered in a heart full of love, spirit, Self, this is great power that does not need protection.

This heart is not open in the sense of taking on everyone else’s issues, or reaching out to heal the world. It is about being present: full and aware. In this place you know that everything else is also spirit, the world becomes magical and beautiful, and you can assist others as you choose. Just by bringing your being around them. This heart is open firstly to yourself, and then to the world in terms of connection and awareness, like being in a house with many windows. These can be opened or closed as you choose, to see out of, or to shine through, or to just be present.

We are co-creating a world where we can live this way, live all the time in the joy we find in nature or with a beloved. Creating a world where being in our hearts we can create our dreams and our livelihoods from this place rather than figuring them out from our minds. It is already here when you are ready to step into it. Owning it for yourself you will begin to notice others who are there as well. Walking through life with a full heart you will encourage others to match you and do the same. This is a world where we are not afraid to be present with others in a richer way, open to who they are, sharing presence, aware that we are all children of God and full of love that is waiting to burst forth to wash away the fear and loneliness that comes between us too often now.

I hope to see you in this world soon.

(© 12/2010)

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Easy, Effortless and Graceful

If you have worked with me you may have heard me invoke the qualities of Ease, Effortlessness, and Grace for your process. I do that in part to remind you, your Self, and Spirit to take things easy when you are making big changes. As spiritual beings we can move very fast (effectively instantaneously) but our physical, emotional, and mental aspects which exist in the manifest world of time and space generally appreciate a gentler approach, allowing them to adjust easily, effortlessly, and gracefully to the powerful changes that your spirit is making.

In spiritual work releasing and clearing old energies and patterns is not the only aspect, perhaps not even the most important. When we move into a new house we clear out all the old things that don’t belong to us. We may also sort through our own belongings to see which ones we are done with and which we wish to move with us. The major part, especially if it is a bigger house, is selecting the new things that suit ourselves in our new home.

As you evolve along the spiritual path, however you conceive of it, it is important to be looking forward to where you are going, opening to who you already are. In healing work, or in the mundane world, this involves developing resources that will assist on the journey; cultivating aspects of yourself that have been forgotten, but are always there; deepening into who you know yourself to be; and connecting to spiritual guides and other resources. If you are building a new house you want the best tools, so that it is as easy, effortless and graceful as possible.

Once you have chosen them it is important to learn how to locate and work with your new tools. Amusement is a great example, as “Everything goes better with amusement”. You will have heard me invoke amusement whenever I do a reading or healing, because it helps you step out of fear and lubricates the healing processes. In Harry Potter there are creatures called Bogarts that appear to you as your greatest fear. The way to deal with a Bogart is to add something to the picture that makes it ridiculous, which dissipates the fear and the breaks Bogart’s power.

Wanting to bring more amusement into your life: you could take the “straight up the cliff” approach by invoking amusement in the situations that are scariest for you. You might find this challenging, especially if you wait to try this until you are actually in that situation. Easy, Effortless, and Graceful, suggests that you can practice and develop your amusement where it comes naturally to you, where you already have it. As your ability to consciously access it in one part of your life increases, you are building muscles and you can call it up in other areas that are more challenging. Over time you will become so familiar with amusement as a state of being that you will be able to move into it any time and any where, no matter how challenging the circumstances.

You are cultivating a state of being and learning to access it without effort. It is actually already a part of you, as are confidence, courage, compassion, abundance, joy, or any other quality that you desire to have more present in your life. Set your intention, find the easiest places, where the quality you want more of is already manifest for you, and practice it before you need it. By starting when and where they are already easy, effortless, and graceful for you, you develop your new qualities and states of being deeply and effectively. Have fun practicing.

(© 12/2010)

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