Heart, Mind and Co-creation

Do you have a new project coming along? or a major life shift? Often these are exciting to contemplate in the abstract, as if they are already accomplished, but the matter of figuring out and walking through the details can be overwhelming. This is especially true if you are creating something really new, with a substantial learning curve.

So let me ask, what is the real energy sink? If you’re like me there’s a mix of mental and emotional factors. The mind wants to have all the answers and plans, now, before you even start. This gets coupled to all the emotional fear and heaviness that comes with doing something new or complicated. If it’s a heart desire you’ve been wanting to do for a long time, there are old “why not to” tapes as well.

The trick is to break up this negative loop between the mind and the emotions, to keep the mind from looping through figuring out things it can’t handle yet, which triggers the fears and emotional heaviness, and buries the joy of your heart.

Let me suggest a possible way to do this. Start by putting off mentally committing to the whole thing. Whether you ought to do something new, particularly a big something, is often a question with way too many variables and unknowns. Letting your mind chew on something it can’t solve yet, is asking for all sorts of anxious trouble. So tell the mind to let that go. Give it to your heart and your intuitive knowingness. These can feel into the overall pattern and handle the general guidance, the go/nogo decision, and the timing of launch.

What the mind is good at is detailed planning. Let it do that, but set it up as a game. Pretend you are going to do whatever your heart is opening to. Then ask the mind, what do I need to have or do in order to allow this to happen? If there are pieces that are not clear yet, toss them back to Spirit. You can pick them up again later as they come into better focus, resources show up, or an offhand comment by a friend gives you an aha. The others you can start walking forward.

This cuts the mind free to be creative and imaginative, to make lists and check them off, but without all the emotional pressure; doing what it’s good at, without having to wade through old emotional baggage, invalidation programs, or any of the other things that slow it down and create effort.

Meanwhile you are tracking your heart’s desrire, noticing the hints and contributions from Spirit and deciding the big things in a holistic way that avoids over thinking things. This is what the heart is good at, especially when there are unknowns that have to be filled in over time.

By letting the your heart and mind each do what they do best, you can cut out much of the stress. If the mind freaks, tune into your heart and feel the desire there, release the negative stories, calming the mind and let it go back to making up solutions. If your heart quails, sit with it, breathing out the fear, until your soul certainty surfaces again.

This way you can play with your dreams, infusing them with your heart’s desire and joy, until they are already manifested, or at least launched, with planning and resources, and you can say to your mind, see it wasn’t nearly as bad as you might have thought.

(© 10/2012)

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Today’s Inspiration

Have you ever known someone who had an inspiration? who brought it into the world with power to inspire others as well? It might have been an invention like the light bulb, or an idea for a movie, or a theory of how the sun works. It might have been a grand vision of a better world or a way to experience the divine. Large or small inspiration is a part of life. If you are listening Spirit is always present.

What happens when the ego gets hold of this inspiration? It knows something great has happened but may think it rare as well as precious, something unlikely to happen again. Becoming attached to this inspiration, the specific form and detail.

It is very human to do this; we think we have learned, we think we know, and if it comes from Spirit, even more so, it is certainly The Truth. But here in this world of flux and change, truth is always relative, even when something comes from Spirit. We receive a gift or vision, which we breath life into, but then insist on preserving it in that moment of the realization or inspiration, rather than letting it grow and evolve.

All things have to grow and change to stay alive. We are so protective of the communication, that we close it down. Fearing that we won’t receive any more, rather than accepting today’s communication for today, while allowing that tomorrow there can be something new, we cling what we have received today. Which becomes yesterday.

If you can’t allow for today to be different, there is no life in it. The Sun comes up today as it has for billions of years, but the experience of that sunrise is always different, if only a little bit, from all the other sunrises. The season is shifting, the sky is different, there are more leaves on the trees, or fewer, and mostly you are not the same as yesterday, and so you experience it differently.

When the experience of your favorite meditation is allowed to unfold in the moment, it will be unique and you will be truly alive. You are alive in the dance of yourself and the universe, the giving and receiving of attention that gives rise to inspiration, creativity, joy and the magic that makes today uniquely different and engaging.

Try checking inside each morning to see what’s true today. Mostly its the same, but not exactly. Open to what’s new or different. This means being comfortable with change and uncertainty, with learning curves and new directions, with releasing our ego attachment to what has gone before. As humans this is hard, often it seems impossible, but it is when we come truly alive, being in the moment and open to magic and ongoing inspiration.

There is a balance between old forms and new life, between stability and change. We do learn and grow, and we can put yesterday’s lessons to use today. But they will only really fit today if we pay attention to how they flow today, and how they are uniquely different. This breath, right now, pay attention, perhaps its the same, perhaps its different, it really doesn’t matter. What does matter is how intimately you give yourself to the experience of it, the allowing of the air to flow into you and release out of you. How does this breath want to be breathed? Listen and live, allow the inspiration of this moment to be new and fresh.

Let each breath bring life, joy, love, and perhaps new guidance.

(© 9/2012)

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Mediating Love

Is there is at least one person in your life that you are hesitant to love, because of “whatever”? old love, new love, pick one.

Validate how great a reason it is, but let it go. Focus on your heart and notice if it is happier. Does your heart open or close if you give it permission to love that person? Let go of all the stories and thoughts around this. Does it relax and fill with love and joy? Your heart is happier when it’s loving. Realize that this has nothing to do with the other person. It has to do with the part of your heart that has been shut down, opening to mediate love into the world as it is meant to do.

When you see an infant, do you decide to love it, or does that just happen? When you are out in the nature and a landscape takes your breath away, do you think about joy? or just notice that its there? When you consider the places, people, animals that you love, for how many was it a conscious choice rather than a spontaneous happening? The natural state is for the heart to love.

So why is it that we usually talk about love as something that is rare, as an exceptional state of being? Don’t we have it backwards?

The Source of all things IS love. The subtle energies that radiate outward to form the manifest universe are also love. You come from love, are woven of love, and it is your natural state of being. When we “feel love” in the course of daily events it is not that something special has shown up, but that the veils and armor have pealed back and we are experiencing our true essence.

When any two parts of creation meet, what happens? Their energy fields experience each other, and the source energy in each reflects that in the other. There is an appreciation, an attraction, and a field of energy between them that is love. The universe “looking” at itself is a joyful thing.

As humans we come into body to share in this dance, to embody aspects of the Love that is Source, to meet and experience other aspects of Source. Consider an infant playing, this is who we are. When we are able to openly experience the world around us it brings us joy, because the energy of Source is flowing through us. We feel love, are in love, are love.

Loving is our natural state, until we shut it down, create separations, judge, limit and condition it. When we have loved and that other goes away (for any reason), we think we are hurt because they have taken their love with them. Consider rather, that we have lost the opportunity to love them, that the love we have been mediating has stopped flowing. Not because we want to stop it, but because we think we have to.

The true power of forgiveness is that you can stop holding back. Opening your heart again, love flows through you. You become more whole. It has little to do with those that you are forgiving, unless it is part of yourself. It has everything to do with opening your heart so the Love that is your essence can come alive and flow through you into the world. This takes you beyond pleasure, beyond enjoyment and into the realm of bliss.

Wishing you all the joy of an open heart.

(© 8/2012)

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Dancing with Yourself

Did you ever take social dancing classes in school? We had them in the 8th grade. I remember the large dance hall we met at, outside of normal school time and space, and the lines of boys and girls on either side of the room. I expect we were dressed up. I know we were nervous. Looking back there were two key elements. The dances had a form and you did them with a partner. What I learned in those evening classes I used only a handful of times at later school dances. The lack of partners being the significant factor.

On another night, sometime in my third year of college, I realized that I didn’t need a partner, I didn’t really need form, I just needed to listen to the music and do what felt good. So I gave myself permission to dance by myself, with myself. I loved the music and it spoke to my body and they created the dance together. As I danced I would come alive, to a place of presence and joy.

I saw this aliveness in other dancers and they saw it in me. We would then create a larger dance that we both gave to and drew out of. The best dancing grows out of letting the music call out the aliveness inside me, when the body is loose and flowing with the sound and rhythm, it produces a graceful form that inhabits the music and expresses the soul. When the music was over, or even when the inspiration passed we would go back to our individual dances or find other partners. The inner harmony can be shared with others who also know it, but it and the sense of well-being comes first and abides after.

In the present I am learning that all relationships can be like this. Wanting others to dance with, to approve of us, before we let ourselves go, we hold our aliveness back and experience a lack of connection, we give up, or put up defensive walls. We become internal wall-flowers, who naturally feel threatened and vulnerable when we try to open up. The thought comes: will we always be disappointed with our connections to others because they can never be as deep as our inner connection to our true self? which a part of you always remembers.

Developing your inner relationship, you will find internal harmony, and acting from that place you can be happy and at peace. As on the dance floor, there will be others to co-create with, to share the dance. Those who remember how to dance their own joy will join you. You can also share this state with others, who may not quite remember yet. Your dance will speak to the part of them that knows, calling forth their own Self to join with them and perhaps with you. This is how the deep relationships come about. Dancing the dance of deep being with yourself and sharing that with others.

Remember the last time you looked deeply in the eyes of a child and felt your Self open and become present. Does it matter if you start to smile first, or they do? soon you are one big joint smile, soul to soul. This is making Love, dancing life with the world, with others. This is the beautiful dance we came to Earth to embody. Dance alive in yourself and you won’t dance alone for long.

(© 8/2012)

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Learning from Your Road

mountain road picture

On Samish Island in Washington I received a drawing of a road through the mountains, given to me by a 7 year old young man, who seemed to know something. Two weeks later as I started east from the Oregon coast towards Boulder I saw this picture whenever I opened my laptop to write.

Of the many roads I drove in the following days, the ones that taught me the most were gravel and dirt logging roads in National Forests. You have to pay pretty close attention to what is right in front of you, as that is where the pothole that can catch your wheel wrong is going to appear. In the forests the trees cast their shadows most of the day, mixing their patterns with those of the surface. They obscure the ruts, the washboarding, and the all important potholes and dips. When you are looking up the road its easy to think it looks smooth and flat, until you get to it. The road insists on your being in the present moment adjusting to what you see right in front of you.

Going into Teton National Park from Idaho on a gravel road, I had been lead to believe that the middle section was the worst. It certainly got more challenging after the first third. Some sections were much better, and I would start to hope that the worst was behind me. Just about the time that I was going to speed up, there would be a lurking pothole, or a series of them. The road telling me to pay attention to the present, forget the road getting better further on, have patience and be with this section here. The most challenging piece, in fact, came right at the end.

Like the picture I was given, that road got me where I wanted to go, and it was beautiful. I got to explore huge lily filled mountains lakes, little streams to sit along and have lunch by, and all in cooler, clearer air on a hot summer day, when the valleys were full of haze and smoke. It was only my expectations and anticipation that really messed with the magic. When we pause, however bumpy the road, there is beauty around us to be experienced. As for the bumpy parts, as my therapist used to say, they are over when they are over, trust the process.

Later that day, driving south and east through Wyoming, I am wanting the road to lead me to a cool mountain campsite with running water and trees. My mind has given up, as all I can see is rainbow rock, dirt and sage brush. I follow my heart and on a new map, found by chance, I notice a BLM campground in small mountains in the middle of the desert. Right where it was time to stop I find everything I wanted, even deer wandering down to the stream to drink. Magic indeed.

Swimming laps today for the first time in a month it was clear that even at home I must trust my road. Whatever I get done, I get done, how ever far I’ve gone by evening that will be a good place to be for the night. So enjoy the moment, being in the pool, shopping for food, or writing a letter. Focus on the present bit of road. Appreciate the scenery. Listen for the voice that says stop here a little while; go left; move on; feeling it with your heart, and lessons can be learned, magic can happen.

(© 8/2012)

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