Going to the Well

by Alan McAllister, CCHt PhD-phys

The Well is the 48th hexagram of the I-Ching. It is the foundation of Life for both the individual and for the community. This is true physically, but also spiritually. The Well represents the inexhaustible and unchanging support of Spirit for Life, but it is only effective to the extent it is in good condition and is actually used. The superior person, line by line, develops herself to be able to reach the water in the well; but must also draw it up to take back to society, back to the town.

The first step is to know where your Well is, so that you are not wandering unconsciously in the swampy lowlands of the world. How do you connect to Spirit and to your own Self and your gifts? Where is the source of your inspiration, nourishment, and creativity? There are many Wells in the world, but we all have our favorites; walking in nature, talking with like minded friends, quite meditation. It could also be your work, playing with children, signing in a chorus, anything that allows you to come close to your heart and to Spirit.

Some of us enjoy books, in particular fantasy stories. As with all other Wells it is not the form but your relationship with it that is key. Fantasy, in all its forms, is often derided and spoken of as an escape and not of use in the “real world”. It can be this, as can any Well’s that is approached in fear; seeking not inspiration for your life in the world, but a place of safety and hiding from that world. In fact, the Well follows Oppression in the sequence of the I-Ching hexagrams. When the slings and arrows have been flying, we may need a time of rest and refuge, but living permanently at the bottom of a well is no way to let your light shine. Allowing yourself to be healed and changed by the experience of your Well and then to come back to the world ready to share your water (light), the full meaning of the Well is expressed.

Fantasy can be so much more than an escape. It is an invitation to play in the field of imagination, where creativity walks abroad, waiting for us to find it. The question is, do we bring that life force back into the outer world or do we seal it up out of the light of day. I have appreciated stories as a place to learn exploration, adventure, love and magic. They remind me of what it feels like to live in a world that includes Spirit, purpose, guidance, wizards and other things that are hard to find in our society. I have even lost solid chunks of time playing in these worlds, but eventually I come back to my outer life, more in touch with possibility and inspired to find what I am looking for there as well; inspired to add a different thread to the weave of the collective creation.

You might similarly read holy texts, or listen to great teachers speak, but only when the water is carried back from the Well have you fulfilled your potential.

Give yourself permission to find your creativity and inspiration wherever they call out to you. The Well is everywhere if you are looking and nowhere if you are not. I only suggest that you consider bringing the water that you find back to share with your community, with me. Let go of the beliefs and programs that what you are doing isn’t real. If you can feel and be present with the Well inside yourself, you know also the feeling of expressing your essence in the world at large. You can bring the feeling of your Well to your work, to your community, and share its water there, subtly, if not openly.

When you have owned your Well and the path back to town is well trodden, you will meet others who are using your Well, or one of their own. Sharing your passion and learning from theirs is one of the beautiful gifts of life. We can begin to weave all the aspects of Spirit into a new world that has the essence we love in fantasy as part of our daily life. So delve deep into your Well, but come and play in the garden with your brothers and sisters.
(© 1/2013)

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