Category Archives: Articles
Your Body’s Voice
by Alan McAllister, CCHt PhD-phys Several years ago I was able to swim in the ocean, for the first time in years, and my body lit up with joy and gratitude, thanking me for coming home in this physical way. … Continue reading
Shadow Boxing
by Alan McAllister, CCHt PhD-phys Have you ever had an ongoing pain in your body? Perhaps in your back, or a knee, or shoulder? Pain is a message from your body that something is hurt or out of alignment; something … Continue reading
Hole, Holy, and Whole
by Alan McAllister, CCHt PhD-phys Dissociation and Connection: the Psychic Effects of a Natural Disaster A few days ago, following several days of record rainfall, part of a mountain decided to slide down a gully that leads to the office … Continue reading
Emotional Alchemy
by Alan McAllister, CCHt PhD-phys Many years ago I was struggling with a fear that manifested as a tension in the back of my left shoulder. A good friend reminded me that all emotions are an aspect of life force, … Continue reading