It seems that I am being reminded in many ways this year that this is actually the time of the year when we are best able to turn inward and seek the wisdom and blessings in the unlighted parts of our soul. It is also a time to slow and relax and enjoy what we have accomplished during the brighter times of the year.
It seems ironic that as a society we have gone to such efforts to be busy and “bright” and avoid this valuable spiritual opportunity. Almost a sense of desperation. No wonder we feel so stressed, to be so busy when our bodies want to rest and turn inside rather than running around outside.
I had the opportunity to experience a painting of the “violet flame” last week in a very interesting way. I felt myself in the flame, and closing my eyes saw myself stepping through it, but my shadow self held back, afraid. I called and beckoned and after hesitating it stepped through the flame after me. As it did those parts that were not really me, things I carried for others, or limitations and programs that had come from society were burned away, and what joined me was a smaller figure, but one made now of gold.
This is the alchemy of transformation that is open to us when we are willing to turn inside and delve into the “dark” places of our soul. It is still our soul, and part of Soul. When we remove the judgments and fears we are gifted with valuable aspects of ourselves that have been “hiding”.
So this year, celebrate the shadow as well as the light and find your own presents, your own gold there.
(© 1/2008)