Awareness, Choice, Freedom and Empowerment
in Joy, Amusement, and Safety
consciousness we were at when we created them." -- after Albert Einstein
Wake up to Spiritual Embodiment. You are more than a body-brain.
Develop spiritual awareness. From clear awareness flows true choice.
Explore and integrate your body, emotions, mind and spirit.
Resolve internal resistance and judgement. Live harmoniously.
Reclaim physical/emotional/mental freedom.
Co-create your life consciously from your Heart and Soul.
Start with First Steps,
deepen with Explorations,
or embarq on a Soul Journey.
Setting Sacred Space, opening to Spirit, we go on a journey of exploration and growth. I hold a powerful safe space, while opening a gateway into Spirit. I serve as guide, but Truth will unfold from within you, in co-creation with your Soul.
You are a living process moving to wholeness and joy. Your soul already knows who you are and where you are going. Together we will explore and manifest this for you.
I wanted to thank you from my heart and soul for always being a "safe place to land" for me. Your energy is always pushing me outside of my boundaries but also always providing a sense of safety... C.G. - Evergreen CO

Last updated September 25, 2020. © Alan McAllister.